Monday, December 14, 2015

Our home at Christmas.

If you are visiting from Leslie's blog welcome! Actually welcome here anyways! I love these little blog hops we do, and I'm excited to see everyone's Christmas decorations!

Here in the snow belt region of Ontario Canada, there is zero snow. None. And I'm not even wearing a winter coat yet. It's crazy and doesn't feel like Christmas is less than 2 weeks away. This means my house on the outside doesn't look Christmas-y yet. I was hoping to have it all done before this weeks blog hop, but alas my nieces Birthday and Grandmothers Birthday's took up most of my time, so we're stuck with the little I've decorated the inside of my house. Normally I go all out and every room is decorated, and this year I haven't even finished the living room. #christmasfail

In case you don't know, I have four girls. So our tree is VERY girly. And that's okay with me most years, except this year I really wanted a red/white/country themed tree, but I couldn't justify the 4 rubber maid bins of pink I had in the basement ready to go. So the rest of my house is gold/red/white. So nothing matches, and I'm okay with that.

 Head on over to The Blended Blog if you want to hop through the rest of the Christmas Home tours!


  1. LOVE all of the gold accents!!! so pretty!
    I hate snow but I"m a little sad we don't have any yet... mother nature has less than two weeks to straighten that out... then come like mid January I'm cool if it all melts lol

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

    1. I hate snow too. Helps with the Christmas decor doing tho ! Lol

  2. Oh love that nutcracker, I think I need to find one to take home with me :) The gold accents are great, and I hear ya on the Christmas storage, it's crazy over here!

  3. Everything is so lovely! I can't believe you guys don't have snow yet. And I love your girly stuff!
