Monday, April 18, 2016

Moments of gratitude - April 18

I skipped last week so this is two weeks of moments that I'm grateful for. Linking up with Shaunacey again :)

Top of the list: THE RETURN OF SPRING. finally !!

This last few days have been amazing. Night and day from this time last week. Sunday I wore shorts and worked In the garden with Abby, while Mimi and Nev played with their friends. 

Days off with the kids. Friday was a PAday and the kids and I were home. That morning we watched kimmy Schmidt (yay!) and then Abby was at her dads, Mimi hung out with friends and Mady was somewhere with her boyfriend so that left me and Nevaeh. We had an old navy date, visited my mom, had lunch and played outside. Such a great day.

Friend time  last Saturday it was so nice to visit Ashlee and Lyss's new home and celebrate their little mans bday ! Miles is basically the cutest little boy ever and he was sooo good the entire day. Usually it's overwhelming. His party was all sorts of adorable and it was "stock his library themed". We got him this this and this. ( of course the hobbit because we're a family of nerds). 

Other friend time includes: Canvas and Cabernet again with some ladies from work and my sister and it was so nice to relax and paint with a group of women I love dearly. Also me and the Watson sisters took in THE BOSS on Friday night. It was hilarious. Go see it.

Nick his girl nights. No relationship is perfect. and mine is far from it ( I would prefer less video games and more kitchen cleaning ) but Nick is always game to take the girls out on his own. Which is the case when I work a lot in the summer. Last weekend Madison boyfriend had a gig at the MaclarenARTcentre  and she asked nick to take her. He brought Mimi and Nevaeh as well and they did crafts and watched the live performances.  And Friday he had a date with Nevaeh they went to dinner and shoe shopping. He's adorable. I have no photos of this, but am grateful none the less:)


  1. I'm also so grateful that the weather is warming up. I actually love winter but I'm happy to see it go at this time of the year!

  2. those paintings are amazing!!! I want to do that so bad but I have no artistic talent what so ever... I can drink wine pretty well :)

  3. Great that dad has dates with his daughters. And that allows you a little mommy time. Glad that spring is back again. Will stay tuned to see what your weather brings for next week.
