Monday, April 4, 2016

Month in numbers - March

Linking up with Deena today! This is such a fun link up, I'll love looking back at these posts at the end of the year (or years to come).

So in March:

9 - Selfies taken, solo.  Apparently with a new hairdo, I've become quite the narcassist.

4-Selfies taken with others (kids or dogs.)

2 - Bad weather days. As in really bad weather. March came in like a lion, and well....went out like a lion. Stupid mother nature.

March 1st: (after shovelling)

March 25th.

70 trillion - Mini eggs eaten.

5 - more seasons of Bones Watched. I'm very confident in my ability to re construct a skelton. I often use words like Phalange, mass spec or ulna in everyday conversation now. I'm like way smart.

1 - movie seen at the theatre  - zootopia, where I developed my second crush on an animated fox. Weird.

8 - number of years Miller Ellis has held mini sessions. We did so again this year, and our set was adorable.

1 early easter brunch with my family, which I recapped here

10 - number of stares Nevaeh got in costco wearing this outfit.

39048398 - pieces of foam from crafts I've picked up off of the floor. I cannot wait for great outdoor weather, so kids can GET OUTSIDE. 

2 - dances Nevaeh did at her school recital this week. 

1- group date. Nick and I didn't get our alone date night this month but we did do a group date out on St pattys so it counts. At least it was a night out! 
2,892 - The amount of viewers last month to my blog. I have no idea if this is good or bad, but its a base line for me as I've never really paid attention!


  1. That's an awesome baseline- and it's kinda fun to pay attention to it b/c you can see if it biggens or not when you do different things! Love your numbers posts- I want to colour my hair your colour this week

  2. That's a great baseline! :) And love all of the hair picture selfies...and LOL at the you can construct a skeleton..hehe.

  3. Love all the selfies!!! Love me some Bones and that hottie David Boreanez!! Loved the trillion eggs

  4. The mini eggs. The struggle is real. Except I didn't struggle. I just ate all of them. Your first (top left) selfie is my fave. Love your hair.

  5. I'm not sure if it counts as a selfie if it's your feet... does it? :)
    Sorry about all the snow, but at least you have some good shows to watch, I LOVE Bones!

  6. Your selfies are so pretty - I need you to teach me because mine are TERRIBLE. Sorry you've been having such crappy weather - hopefully spring is around the corner? And yum on the eggs - so delicious.

  7. if I could have had chocolate this past month I would have eaten ALL the eggs. So there's that.
    Also, remember the time I also loved your hair so much I went to your stylist? No? well, I see her Saturday. Thank you! You're my hair idol.
    That Easter set up makes me almost regret not getting the the kids pics.. then I remember the last time and that I'd have to actually bring the children.

    Simply Shaunacey
