Monday, May 22, 2017

TBB Toronto 2017

I've started this post 10 times. I woke up at 4am this morning with so many thoughts buzzing in my head and jotted notes in my phone about everything I wanted to say. I can't possibly get it all out in one post, because it would be the longest post of life.

This past weekend I was lucky enough to drive to Toronto and meet 10 of (well, I already knew Shaunacey) the most amazing women I've ever met. Each unique and cool in their own way, I'm going to try and put it in words, but please keep in mind I'm tired so my grammar will suck ass.

In order of how I met you all:

1. Shaunacey.

Thanks to you I met these ladies! I think we figured out I met you about 8 or 9 years ago, but we've always had this Photographer/client/friend relationship, but I really got to know you after sharing a room with you for 3 days. I loved every minute of it. From our drive down, to laying in my bed you trying to make my half asleep self watch some video at the crack of dawn, and also opening the curtains in my room to wake me up, and also all of your shopping advice this weekend. Thank you for being my personal shopper, roommate, cuss sister, and friend. I can't wait to meet your new baby, and also can't wait till next year when we can drink ALL THE WINE.

2. Andrea

I was so nervous walking into that hotel knowing I had to meet complete strangers, but YOU ARE THE CUTEST EVER!! sorry for yelling, but I just need to people to know how sweet and thoughtful you are. Imagine if there were more people like you out there, how great would the world be? Every time I see an off the shoulder top I think of you, because no other person can rock one the way you do. I'm so coming to visit and we're going to drink all the blended drinks!

3. Lisa
How did we not get more photos together? You were exactly how I imagined you would be, but better. I love your style, and your perfect hair that not even a hate could ruin. How is that possible? I told you I loved your instagram, but honestly I'm obsessed - I often check it for style inspiration. I loved your idea for next year, and all the themed nights. Bring on Halloween in May! LOL

4. Alison

Okay I'm realizing I need to up my selfie game cause Alison, besides group photos, this is the only one I could find of us. What? Not cool. We need to fix that next time. We're the non huggers of the group, so that makes you secretly one of my favourites.  I love that you are quiet but so funny and also really loved every single outfit you wore. And how you pulled your hair out of a pony, did a hair toss and looked picture ready in 4 seconds flat. That's skill. I like how you say the word pop, and wander random cities to find mountain dew.

5. Katie
I can't believe this is the only photo of just me and my blogging soulmate Katie. The pretty girl from Long Island, who's the same age as me. We're the only two born in 1980 so officially that makes us best friends. Well that, and the fact we have the same taste in Movies, Shows, and books. You also brought Prosecco into my life so obviously I will love you forever. You are hilarious and watching you drink the worlds biggest beer was one of my favourite parts of the weekend. I promise to come to the city, we can go see a musical.

6. Sarah

I hope the above video works. Sarah - I'm so glad you were our other roommate. Not only because we shared make-up and you helped me with my bra, but because instantly as soon as I met you I felt like I'd known you forever. Also you've met famous people and live in Cali, so I want to be your best friend. Besides having the best hair, and awesome make-up application, and awesome sense of style - I loved how genuinely kind you are, and funny. You trying to find someone with a nicer camera so they didn't steal mine was a highlight of the weekend. Also I dig your love of ketchup chips.

7. Whitney
I don't have a selfie with just you and I but I have tons of photos of just you. The girl who in seconds can pose and then change pose again. Remind me to show you a photo of me trying the 'Whitney' pose today.You'll die. I'm so glad we got to sit together on the bus. I liked chatting with you and Alison and getting to know you both. You were so easy to get along with, and obviously our love of the same music and dancing (we totally need a Fitness Marshall Party next year) solidified our friendship in my mind. Realistically you are only 5 hours away so we could totally have a dance off before next year.

8. Christy
Again - another one with no selfie - I need to up my game!  You are hilarious. I loved listening to you talk, and almost felt guilty I didn't go to the gym with you. Though I should have totally. I wish I had more time chatting with you. Listening and watching to you and Deena was hilarious. Especially when you got embarrassed. I love your awesome hair cut, your graphic shirts, the fact that you also don't like All the light we cannot see and the fact you get the 'need' to exercise and the life long battle of keeping the eating under control. Your support and comments while I was on optifast/weight loss program last year meant the world to me. I should have told you that in person but I'm the worst. So instead I'll type it here for the world to read.

9. Deena.

Where to begin here. I'm totally crying as I type. The person I was most excited to meet. More beautiful in person (best smokey eye ever) and just as kind. Someone who could command the room or just sit back and watch us all and take it all in. So effing funny, and curses just as much as me (fuck ya!) and boy do your boobs look good in that tank top from that store I have no idea what the hell the name was. But you dragged us in there, cause the girls held up in that tank top. Thank you so much not only for organizing this thing, but for the kind reminders to get my ass in gear and sign up for things, but you never once judged me for dropping off the face of the earth when I need a break in blogging. Shit, now I'm really crying. I need a drink. Ps. Find me a Jaime, worst case a Roger.

10. Lana

Lana, this is going to sound weird, but I'm so glad you were also tall. Ha! But everyone was so short, I felt like a giant - so I'm glad I could be tall with you. You were so sweet, and kind, and I knew you would be. I liked our chats, though I feel like we didn't get enough time!!  There is something about your voice that I love. I find it soothing. Is that odd? I hope that doesn't sound creepy. haha. I'm going to need you to inspire me now so I can get back on track and work out.

Oh gosh, I think that's it. I'm done. It took me 3 hours to write this post. I need a drink and bed. I'm going to do a Part 2 with details on what we did over the weekend later this week once I can get my emotions in check.



  1. love this, I did opposite... started with the details, summary of ladies to follow (ya, two WHOLE posts... spoiler alert: I have 3 planned!! WHOA).
    Loved getting to spend more time with you and yes, WINE after this baby arrives!
    thanks for being awesome

    1. It's so hard not to put it all in one right ? So much to say. Yay for wine !!

  2. Thanks for being another nonhugger so they didn't all gang up on me all the time :) *fistbump*

  3. Oh my gosh! I couldn't love this more! Your descriptions of each one of us really brought the whole trip back so vividly. I'm so happy we had all of our bus rides to get to know one another and you KNOW I'm down for a Fitness Marshall dance party!

    1. I'm going to txt you to find out the super sexy dance lol

  4. I know, thoughts, elation and sadness in missing each other has been swirling. You put this all together in such a fun way and your amazing personality shined through! I'm so going to have your room ready and the blender plugged in, lol. You are one talented gem and my life is so much better with you in it!

  5. I feel like I should have hugged you more. I feel like we would be bffs if we were in the same city. I can't get enough of you. Thank you for your kind words.

    1. Lol I threw Alison under the bus a few times. And you are welcome :)

  6. I am so happy that I roomed with you and got to share all the make up with you. I feel like we didn't get enough time together. Please come visit me and we'll go hunting for famous people :) Even though neither one of us will probably recognize them, hehe.

    1. I know. It went by too quick. And yes. Let's find the rock!

  7. Of all the recap posts I've read so far yours, yours warmed my heart the most. I am there for you anytime. What you have accomplished in the past year boggles my mind and brings back so many memories. It is a life long struggle and I'm not sure everyone understands that. I am SO SO proud of you Nicole.

    Also - did you know I am a closet non hugger? My aunts always harassed me growing up and I've just learned to tolerate it. I hug because it is socially acceptable and Deena won't let me not hug her. Even if her boobs get in the way!

    1. I've got tears! Thank you !! And yay non huggers!

    2. Ha. As if, you love my hugs. Also, you know that this comment is going to bring on more hugs.

  8. Can I just say - I wish I could be cool enough to pull off your hair style - I don't know if I ever said it all weekend - but I loved your style! Your write up is so raw and honest - I look forward to reading more - and wish I could have spent more time getting to know you better.

    Daily Style Finds

  9. Awww...what a fun post!! Awesome descriptions of each of us!! I have started my post about 10 times as's not hard I just don't know if I can get it all out! I am so glad we got to meet! Blogging soulmates forever! AND YES to the city and musicals...with all the prosecco and wine!! I didn't know I introduced you to prosecco!! LOL Love that!!!!

  10. Yay for tall girls! And no one has ever said my voice was soothing, so thanks for that :)! You have been such an inspiration to me, your journey has been amazing, and I'm so glad we are friends. Wish we could do the weekend over again!
