
Thursday, June 15, 2017


I’m hope the above is true. In so many different ways.


-          I hope that me making healthier food choices every time I eat, prevent me from re-gaining weight (a struggle lately the last two months)

-          I hope me outsourcing all of my editing after each shoot free’s up my time to spend with kids and also more ‘mom’ time for me to do Zumba guilt free

-          I hope all of this new ‘free time’ spending time with each of my children each night is making them feel heard, and loved and like they are getting enough one on one time with their ma.

-          I hope the 1 hour I’m dedicating to blog things each day will keep me on top of things.


I’m in a weird head space right now. Life is overwhelming. My full time job is kicking into busy season, it’s wedding season in the part time job and also the time of year where everyone wants family photos and engagement photos. I’m being pulled in all directions it feels like. Add in 2 kids graduating from school in less than 2 weeks and I want to cry. Every single minute of each day is scheduled until July. This is not new. I’ve done this for 8 years (minus the graduation part) but I would always resort to food. It would comfort me. I would eat my stress all day at work and then again at home.


I’ve noticed the habits creep back in. I keep wanting food, I’m keeping it fairly clean (with the occasional pizza/muffin/ice cream) but let’s say 80% clean. But I’m still up anywhere from 5-10lbs from my lowest weight. Yes, I know it’s only 5-10lbs, but I can feel it in my jeans, and see it. 


This time I’m happy I’m fully aware it’s happening. I’m also being REALLY active instead of just editing and tv watching at night. I’m getting average around 15k steps a day in, Zumba 3-5 times a week, yoga once a week, weight training 2-3 times per week. (Hence the outsourcing of editing)….it’s needed folks.


While I full intend on enjoying the kids graduation and July 1st festivities with my family I’m getting back on track for July fully- no cheats, none of this 80/20 bullshit. I’m gonna lose the last 20-30lbs I need and then focus on skin removal after that. I’m excited about my plan and once I start I will blog about this last leg of my weightloss journey. And maybe I’ll give myself the little non-food goals again like I did last time. I need some ideas for 10, 20 and 30lbs lost.


Anyways, this was on my mind. Thought I would share.


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  1. You are amazing and I don't know how you do it all! You've got this!

  2. This is great! When you are stressed at work and need a break walk on over to say hi from A222. Have a few laughs and then both of us are less stressed

  3. I truly believe the biggest hurdle for me is getting my mind right. Once I finally make the decision it's much easier to stay on track and feel good about passing on those extra cheats.


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