
Day 31

Monday, January 31, 2011
Angela and I woke up at the crack of dawn, knowing that we had to be in the lobby eating by 7am, to hop the bus for our big jeep tour we were doing today, with my parents.We get to our meeting spot, and my freaking camera dies. dead. I should mention it's only my point and shoot, but still. I wasn't about...


Day 30

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Today was spent at the pool. I fell asleep on a pool lounger. I've never been so hung over in my life.There were no photos taken today.So I'm posting a father/daughter dance that was taken on Saturday. But close to midnight, so could really be Sunday.whatever.The reception was awesome. Never seen anything like it. Dancing on the sand with the beach right there....


Day 29

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Today I was busy. My sister got married. ...


Day 28

Friday, January 28, 2011
Wendy, Billy, Sarah, Michelly and Ursty arrived yesterday!!!!! Let the shit show begin. :) ...


Day 27

Thursday, January 27, 2011
This morning my dad and I got up at sunrise, and went for a walk. I took this photo. It`s SOOC as I`m not editing on vacay.While i was waiting for my dad to get out of his villa, I took this...Last night I got to talk to nev on the webcam, I cried like a baby after wards and walked into the...


Day 26

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
This is what I did today. A view of what I saw. I sat at the pool all day, and every hour or so, jumped in the pool and swam to the pool bar. I'm pacing myself today. Drank a bit to much last night while watching the Michael Jackson tribute. good times.We're waiting for dinner, and just went for a walk (we...


Day 25

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jealous now......hmmmmm ...


Jan 24

Monday, January 24, 2011
I'm currently in my parents hot tub, while it's snowing, drinking wine. Getting ready to leave Nick, Nevaeh and the girls in this weather, and head to Dominican to watch my baby sister get married. Tomorrow photo may be similar, except no snow, but maybe palm trees. Jealous? ...


Jan 23

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Today was a Mimi's big surprise birthday present. Monster truck tickets! (however, little did I know that Abby has already ruined the surprise....kids!)She was so excited, mainly that she got the grave digger flag, and a monster truck slush. She's easy to please.She was also excited about her second cup hot chocolate for the walk from Union Station to the Rogers Center. Freaking...


Day 22

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Otherwise known as Mimi's 6th Birthday! I'll post more pics of her party later, but for now, here's one of the birthday girl with her best friend Piper:) ...


Day 21

Friday, January 21, 2011
The view from here. Via Nicks phone.I'm re-thinking the flu shot. I have to do a lot of reading. Nevaeh is still sick. And guess what, fever of 102 tonight. Gave her a bath and a cuddle, and she's finally back to bed.Just in time for Mimi's 6th Birthday tomorrow, and her party bright and early.I must have done something wrong in a...


Day 20

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Yes, still sick. Though my throat isn't so sore, my chest feels heavy again. I'm achy. And whiney.Shoot me.I was laying on my couch, watching last nights Parenthood (or tuesdays?, I dunno I PVR'd it) and could hear Nevaeh playing her room laughing at something. Figured I'd get a cute pic for 365 so went upstairs, and saw her half undressed (news flash...


Day 19

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
This is how my day went. 2.5 hours at the walk in clinic. home. sleep. up. pick up Nev. home. sleep.Though sleep was difficult with a kitten who felt the need to lick my leg, arm, face, hand repeat.Though she finally did fall asleep, I was wide awake. ...


Day 18

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
So I'm still sick. Everytime I swallow it feels like knives stabbing me. Nevaeh's got a fever and nasty nasty cough. It's been a swell day all in all.I've been so sick I've barely been on the computer, basically stuck to my couch/bed.Nick just got home from work, and brought me the game I've been waiting since last September for. We pre-ordered it,...


Day 17

Monday, January 17, 2011
This is the theme for today. I'm sick. I blame Nevaeh.I'd also like to post a photo not taken today,but last Friday. It's my baby girl Abigail, who's no longer my baby, but 8 years old as of today. I love you lots Abby. ...


Day 16

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Nick and I woke up to the sounds of Nevaeh playing in her room. We layed in bed and thought, wow she's being really good. He then got up to get her out and brush her teeth and I could hear him laughing, so I stopped making my bed, and peeked out the door and then quickly ran to get my camera.This is...


day 15

Saturday, January 15, 2011
We had photo shoots all afternoon, and Tanya was in my way for one, and figured it' would be a good 365 photo:)I'll post photos from Abby's b-day party tomorrow. Once I have time to get them off the ol' point n shoot.I'm off to try and convince my two year old that she wants to go to bed, and does not in...


Day 14

Friday, January 14, 2011
This was Abby waiting for her guests to arrive to her sleepover party. I'm now in the middle of it, taking 5 min to post this cell phone pics. I have taken other photos, but not a chance am I getting them off my camera now. I have five 8 year old girls here. Hyper girls. God help me. ...


Day 13

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Today's 365 pic comes from Nick:Who needs a Crane when you have a backhoe on a trailer......and a couple of crazy employees.This pic is of our long awaited Pylon sign on Hwy. 11 at my work (Double R Performance) ...


Day 12

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Madison doing her homework in bed, while Casper sleeps.You would never know looking at this picture that hours before her and I were in a screaming match, and she was sent to her room grounded for the night. Oh, Pre-Teens, how I hate you. She's so hormonal right now, and I have no idea how to handle her. Nevermind that she's EXACTLY like...


Day 11

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 10

Monday, January 10, 2011
Another day, another dollar. Today was the first day of classes at Georgian for Winter Semester. Which means It was a shitty day. Not quite as bad as it was for some (Roombookings, Osap, Reg Office) but, it was bad enough.I then came home to play with children, and since 3 outta 4 of them are now finally sleeping, I'm editing. And this...


Day 9

Sunday, January 09, 2011
This morning, I woke up at 9am. With the feeling of being rushed, right off the bat. My only day off this week, and I had every minute planned of cleaning/organizing my house. First though I had to drive to Aurora to pick up a Mattress for a certain someones new big girl bed!!After that nothing went as planned, I didn't get all...


Day 8

Saturday, January 08, 2011
My GPS took Tanya and I on lots of backroads on the way back from one of today's photo shoots. It was so pretty I pulled over to the side of the road, rolled down Tan's window and got this quickly. It's a bit dark, but I likey. ...


Day 7

Friday, January 07, 2011
Please excuse the iPhone pics. But Nick took today's blog photo. We're in the middle of 'operation clean/gut/organize the home'We are moving Mady back down to the basement, and as you can see here, we're doing a bit of remodeling. She's getting a new closet/organizer type thing, no she's not building it, but I guess she was helping Nick.Tomorrow I have photo shoots,...


Day 6

Thursday, January 06, 2011
My newest obsession. Seriously - it almost rivals LOST, it's already surpassed Gilmore Girls.I'm in Love with Tommy (which is so wrong, because he's my dads age).....Rescue me rocks.I'll also mention that Netflix is the best thing since slice bread. I haven't watched regular TV in a while. ...


Day 5

Wednesday, January 05, 2011
I was originally going to post a cell phone pic I took this morning on my walk into work.But then I gave Nevaeh a bath and she was dunking her head over and over again, it was too cute not to capture.Here's the crappy cell phone pic, of the stupid snow that the weather network did not predict. Not sure how this is...


Day 4

Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Tonight, I'm exhausted, with my butt parked on the couch. Then I remembered I need a pic for today, reached for my camera, and got this one. Not a prize winner by any means, but like her hair lolIt's not edited, as I have 5 photoshoots, and a wedding that still need to be done, before I edit any of my own photos....


Day 3

Monday, January 03, 2011
I've had this frame for probably 3 months, and it's hung on my wall with a picture of some random family in it. Isn't that always the way? The photographer who doesn't have time to print their own photos.Big thanks to Nick for printing this one and putting in my frame for me, before I got home from work:) ...


Day 2

Sunday, January 02, 2011
Tanya and I had a long ass day on Sunday, but while a fussy baby was being fed, we had an impromptu photo shoot. This was the best of the bunch, I really like it actually, and if I posted others Tanya may kill me. I almost peed my pants with the faces she was making. I felt like Austin Powers, because her...


Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 01, 2011
It's been two months since I've blogged last. Better late then never they say?So here's to a new year!Our New Years day consisted of one trip to starbucks, cleaning the house, and watching Rescue Me episodes from Season 2. Boring? not a chance, was heaven. I've been in sweat pants all day.Nicks one small bout of energy went to baking apple crisp with...


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