
Man Buns and such

Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Follow my blog with BloglovinNicks been growing his hair out for about 2 years now. The first 5 or so years we were together he had a shaved head. Somewhere along the way he decided he wanted to grow it to donate it. I thought he was just being lazy, but he was on a mission. It's basically at the point he can...


What Nev Wears

A weekend off

Sunday, March 29, 2015
Well, this caps off my second of 3 weekends off in a row. I'm in heaven. My house should be a bit cleaner (it was clean yesterday) but I had my my Niece Lily and Nevaeh playing all last night and this morning, and I'm too lazy to clean right now. My sister took Nev for a sleepover Friday so Nick and I...



I'm back!

Saturday, March 28, 2015
Woah, it's been a long while since I last blogged here. Almost 4 years, which is crazy. I look back at these photos of my kids and get teary. Where did my babies go? 2011 was a crazy year for Miller Ellis Photography. We photographed something like 24 weddings (this was a huge leap up from 10 the year before). Something had to...


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