A weekend off

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Well, this caps off my second of 3 weekends off in a row. I'm in heaven. My house should be a bit cleaner (it was clean yesterday) but I had my my Niece Lily and Nevaeh playing all last night and this morning, and I'm too lazy to clean right now.

My sister took Nev for a sleepover Friday so Nick and I had a date night (woot!) except I think I was in bed by 10pm. I'm so lame.

So Saturday night was our turn with Lily and I got some cute shots of the two of them.

After Lily left, I got to hang out with Carrie and Ashlee and go for the first pedi of the season (and our last hang before Ash's baby comes! YAY can't wait for baby cuddles).

Pretty good weekend all in all! Can't wait for the long weekend coming up. Love Easter (mostly turkey - I'm not gonna lie).

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