Truthfully Tuesday - week 2

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I kinda liked last weeks post. So figured I would do it again.

Truth 1- physically I feel fantastic. Not really hungry. I have energy. I don't feel bloaty or gross. Mentally I'm a crazy lady. It's been touch and go at my house all weekend. I've had zero patience. I guess being on shakes only has made my hormones unstable.  I can go from happy to punch you in the face in two seconds flat. Poor Nick. I think I need a tv show, it would be quite entertaining.

Truth 2 - I do laundry all weekend and leave it in baskets for me to put away later. Later is never. I used to be so good about putting it away but lately not so much. I just have 5 laundry baskets in my room. Kids come get your clothing here. 

Truth 3 - I turn 36 in less than 2 weeks. It's also Mother's Day weekend. I'm terrified of getting closer to 40. 

Truth 4 - my boss ( the Registrar of the college I work for ) announced his retirement last Friday. I cried at my desk like a loser. And so badly wanted wine and instead had mint tea. 

What are your truths ?

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  1. I would totally watch your show, I want to punch people most days. Also- not too sure how I feel being that much closer to 40. Yuck.

  2. I'm feeling the same way but about turning 30 (which happens in a month and three days). I never thought I would be one of "those people" who was weird about a certain age but here I am. Life just looks differently than I thought it would at this age and I think I'm struggling with that...even though I'm happy with what I've accomplished in life. Anyways, that's my truth for today! Haha.

    1. You are a baby- not even 30. Gosh I could be your mother lol

  3. Love this and I'd watch your show lol!!!
    Now I want wine lol

  4. Guess what? I am the resident TBB grandma. Let me tell you, old is seeing 60 staring at ya! But actually, it is a silly number. I try not to think about said number too much. What a compliment to your boss that you cried about his retirement announcement. Must be a wonderful person to work for.

  5. Virtual hug lady! I can't even imagine, we went on a no carb diet and I wanted to throat punch people all day everyday! You got this! Keep on... :)


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