
My New Fave Maxi!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
I'm late posting today - because my Mac died last night :( so sad ! But I really wanted to share my new favourite maxi dress. If you are Canadian - Run, Don't Walk to your nearest Reitmans! This is dress is super comfy and comes in two patterns. The blue one I got last year (or a similar version of it) and...


the blended blog

TBB Toronto Part 2

Thursday, May 25, 2017
WARNING - LONGEST POST EVER.  Before I get into the details of my weekend, I just wanted to ramble a bit. I've had very few girls weekends in my life. Not that I didn't have friends, I have a bunch of different groups, but having kids so early really limited how many of these weekends I could have as an adult. I also...


fashion files

What I wore in Toronto

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
A fashion post from me? Who am I even?? It's been forever, or feels like it anyways. Instagram is just so much quicker for this, but here I am with a post. I've decided I need to bust out the good camera from now on, and teach a child or two to take photos from now on, but for this post, cell phone...


the blended blog

TBB Toronto 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017
I've started this post 10 times. I woke up at 4am this morning with so many thoughts buzzing in my head and jotted notes in my phone about everything I wanted to say. I can't possibly get it all out in one post, because it would be the longest post of life. This past weekend I was lucky enough to drive to Toronto...


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