I had an idea of how my weekend was going to go. I had lists. Time lines, and more lists. I knew exactly what I was going to be doing and when.6:30 on Friday night? I was signing the dotted line on my new van (Montana SV6 for those nosey people) and to keep the Barrie folk happy, it's still a white van....
For this weeks theme, there is no need for a face, just a bum - a clothed one at that.I have a zillion ideas for nakey bum shots (keep your mind out of the gutter, my babies bums!)But this one needs to covered up. I then thought of this cute shot I got during "Tutu's in the Park". Since some of our Tutu's...
This is my first "Flashback Friday"I'm doing it for many reasons.1. I don't have a lot of time these days, and this takes less thought2. I'd like to have more than 1 one post per week on my personal blog.3. I already have the pictures taken, so I don't have to take any (yes, I'm that lazy)4. I spent last week going through...
So. I have TONS of Sun Flare pictures, with barns, and fences, and trees. No clear visible faces though. BAH!!!!This one has a face, it's just silhouetted (is that a word) out. BUT, you can see how much fun the mom is having with her little girl. Her mouth is wide open laughing. So, I take that as a face, and so, here...
(okay so not so wordless......taken years ago with my old old point n shoot camera...hence the quality, I didn't even edit it)Abby 3, Mimi 1, Mady almost 6 ...
It was so hard for me to choose my favorite fall picture. I have so many nice fall shots from the mini sessions Tanya and I held last month. But I keep coming back to this one because I love the colours, and I love the kids faces, such happy (and beautiful) faces.Check out other Autumn Beauty pictures here ...
Before we ventured out with the kids today to look at Christmas Decor, I attempted to take some pics. Our original plan today was to take our official Christmas pictures, and I had bought their dresses months ago, but my stupid dog ate (yes ate) Abbys dress yesterday so I put that plan on hold until I can figure out what to dress...
I haven't posted to this blog since last Monday. Since I've started back to work (ewww) and Nevaeh got really sick and had a fever of 103 all week. Then of course, she got better for the weekend. The weekend where I had photoshoots coming out of my a.......well, I probably shouldn't swear.Anywho. Had TONS of shoots this past weekend, then this week...
My baby was born. 8:15pm, in Barrie, after 8 hours of terrible labour, we were blessed with Baby girl number 4.Nick cried, Tanya cried (she was taking pics) and I cried (and screamed).And now she's one.Before I left to go to work this morning....I quickly snapped a shot of her....obviously not impressed.When I finally got home from work today, I found a snot...