It's almost the end of the week. Thank goodness!! So, on Tuesday I finished up my 6th week of my Medical Optifast Program, (5th full week on shakes only) and had my 7th class. If you are new here, and want to know about this program and what I've been up to, then check out these posts HERE. Before I summarize this past...
Hey Ya'll I'm hosting over at The Blended Blog today - So go check it out HERE, but here is a peek: So make sure to check out my post over at The Blended Blog, Join the Link up and all of these lovely ladies below:) ONCE UPON A TIME &; HAPPILY EVER AFTER : Library-Lovin’-Lady DAILY STYLE FINDS: The Personal Stylist FOXY’S...
I missed yesterday's grateful post. Actually, I think last weeks too. (Can you tell it is my busy season - ew). Here are some photos of our very awesome trip to Black creek Pioneer Village on Monday, thanks to our cousin Victoria for having all 10 of us (Me, Nick, Abby, Mimi, Nev, Nana, Carol-Anne, Matt, Lily & Claire). SOOOOO FUN! Totally recommend going if...
Welcome. As always if you are new here you should probably read these first. Okay so this week I'm finding myself overwhelmed in all things work. My work at Georgian is crazy prepping for fall semester. On the photography side wedding season starts this weekend so I'm basically a bag of stress. Usually at this time I can be found eating my feelings...
Welcome! I don't even know what week we are on, can barely keep track. But It's Graduation week time, hopefully you've already stopped at The Blended Blog and seen Sheila's look. Lets look at how cute we were last week! Moving on to this week: I'm going to be honest. I decided this 5 minutes before I put it on. I threw it...
If you’re new here welcome. To catch up read these posts. This one here explains what Optifast is which is my most asked question, and also my journey thus far. Okay so I’ve been on the program 1 month now. Yay for milestones! In 4 weeks I’ve lost 22.5 lbs. I’m getting measured on Friday so I’ll make sure to list my inches...
Happy Wednesday! Hopefully you've checked out Carrie's look over at The Blended Blog as she's hosting this weeks prompt . Before we get started - how cute are we from last week? Now onto this week. I'll admit I made some substitutions because of work. I'm wearing black jeans instead of regular denim and I don't own sneakers so I'm wearing my Toms,...
Linking up with Shaunacey again this week! After quite the difficult weekend I'm forcing myself to find stuff to be grateful for. Having a birthday and Mother's Day all in one weekend is way too much. Especially with no food or alcohol. I wanted to just sleep the weekend away but I didn't. Nor did I cheat. Here are some things I'm grateful...
Welcome - If you're new to my little weight loss journey - view other posts here Before I get into how much I've lost let's talk about how much harder this week was. Wow. I was all cocky last week "this is so easy blah blah" basically I saw pizza everywhere I went. My god I want pizza. I was cranky, hungry...
Today is my soulmate Katie's day over at the Blended Blog hosting, and she's styling a leggings w/scarf look. By soulmate I mean she's a girl I've never met, but I feel like we would be besties, because we have the same taste in everything. And we're the same age. And we're both cool. Moving on. Before I get into my look, lets...
Yay, it's May. I'm linking up with Deena at Shoes to Shiraz for her Month in Numbers again. Love these posts!! I'm I6 selfies - Many less selfies this month. I'm getting over myself apparently 16- number of mommy and me sessions I photographed Lots- (not a number I know) of snow in April. More than we had In December. Weather in April...