
Working Out for the busy mom

Monday, February 20, 2017
I'm really excited to join in on todays Blog Hop with The Blended Blog ladies! You are probably here from Abbie's Blog (which mean's I'm following the very witty lady with the great smile, and adorable kids - no pressure at all).  If you have followed me over the last year, you'll know I have recently lost a big chunk of weight (130lbs...



Meal Planning

Monday, February 06, 2017
I'm so excited to be back to blogging again, and participating in a blog hop with The Blended Blog ladies again! Big shout out to Deena & Shaunacey for helping me get back it. Deena kept me posted with all the going's on and also kept touching base when she thought a topic might interested me and the next few are RIGHT up...


It's been a while !

Wednesday, February 01, 2017
Hi. I'm Nicole. You may remember me from when I use to blog often.  This is me in case you forgot : Yes I always walk around with a camera in my face like that. Truth be told I've avoided blogging. Instagram is so much easier for me. I was juggling too many balls ( 2 jobs, kids, working out, having a life ) and something had...


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