

Thursday, October 28, 2010
... I haven't blogged in 20 days.Though honestly, while hestitantly typing in the URL for my blog, I was cringing a bit thinking it was mid-September since my last post.I've completely avoided this site. I have blogged on the miller ellis site, but not even once have I come to this one. Made me ill. I kept trying to draft blogs in word,...


Daddy + Nevaeh =

Friday, October 08, 2010
Cuteness ...


i heart faces : Smirk

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I noticed this weeks them yesterday, on my facebook mini-feed. I thought to myself 'aww I wish I had a smirk photo', and then went about day.So today, while sorting through photos from one of my shoots on Sunday I found this gem, and thought to myself 'duh, of course I had smirk photos!! This child would NOT smile!' No matter what Tanya...


had to pick up nick from work

Monday, September 20, 2010
...so I took these pics across the street, while we were waiting for his slow ass.I was there for a total of about 6 minutes, and had to bribe Mimi and Abby 25 cents per picture.Nevaeh isn't 'bribe-able' yet. As you can see from the photos below.I haven't blogged in a while. it's been a crazy week and half. I'll blog about my...


Yummy - red crayons taste so good!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mimi's first day of SK....

Wednesday, September 08, 2010
I talked her out of a tiara - and into the flower for her hair. Figured the Tiara would be a 'bit' much.But hey - what do I know?and her fave part of her outfit? well..... ...


First Day of School

Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Man, do I feel old.Madison was sooo not impressed by me taking photos at school - hence this look: ...



Saturday, September 04, 2010
I'm a fan of very vibrant, rich coloured photos. I also enjoy a lot of black and white, but i'll leave that for another day.Here is why I'm in love with CS5, and MCP actions. ...


What do I do on my day off?

Saturday, September 04, 2010
Well, the plan was to go shopping with the kids, come home, organize clothes, clean the house, perhaps have a nap?Well, after we took them shopping, and were on our way home, I found the coolest wall ever.So I took some pictures.Yes, on my day off.THEN, I cleaned a bit, edited some work photos, and then caved and edited these, mainly cause I...


For my sister

Monday, August 30, 2010
I've been really really really avoiding this. I so don't have the energy to blog right now. And every time I thought 'hey it's been two weeks since my last blog post' I felt guilty somehow. Which, lets face it is ridiculous. Because who reads this? My sister, my mother and Tanya. Oh and my stalker Monica.All of of those people can see...


i heart faces

Fix it Friday

Friday, August 13, 2010
It's been a while since I've been able to do one of these, so I'm excited!Here is the before:Cute little guy right? I knew this one would be easy....But the first thing I did was crop it to 10x8.Then I cloned out that lighter part on the right hand sideI then made a duplicate layer of the background, and patched his under eye...


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Random from the last 2 weeks

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
* SOOC for all santa's village photos, taken with point & shoot. Forgive me. ...


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