I'm off my blogging hiatus, linking up with the Blended Blog ( you've probably been to Sarah's page already and if so welcome!) and talking about School Food. I'll start with I hate making lunches. I love love love routine, but making lunches every night just drives me nuts. So I keep easy food around the house so kids can grab things easily...
What a super fun way to get to know other bloggers - answering some very random questions in a blog post! ha! here's mine: 1. Pool, lake or ocean? Definitely not Lake. I am so not a lake swimmer. I do however love a good ocean swim, but pools are my fave. #imaprincess 2. Camping, cottage or hotel. Ha! Hotel first, but I do love...
So. It's been a while since I've blogged about health and fitness and weight loss. I had said I was getting back to it and would blog shortly. And it's been like 5 weeks since then. Most of you probably assume I'm still off track. Actually who knows if people are really wondering at all. Or care. It's probably just me. Here's the...
A month or two ago, the lovely Whitney organised another Gift Exchange for us Blended Blog ladies. Which was super fun this round as most of us got to know each other better in Toronto in May – so it made shopping more personal I think. Annnnnnd Whitney drew my name! She is also the perfect gift giver. I received gifts that I...
If you're hoping over from Deena's blog - Welcome! I've been so nervous to post this post. Ha! Considering I run my mouth talking about how much I love the Fitness Marshall, and have posted myself (much larger self ) doing his videos with my sister I'm surprised it was such a big thing for me. I kept putting it off, and then...
Welcome! Hopefully you're visiting from The Blended Blog - but if not, make sure you go check out my post there for my Summer Photo Tips! I already rambled on a lot over there, but here I just wanted to share some fun summer photos I've taken over the years. I want to reiterate that light is everything for clean crisp photos! First...
I’m hope the above is true. In so many different ways. - I hope that me making healthier food choices every time I eat, prevent me from re-gaining weight (a struggle lately the last two months)- I hope me outsourcing all of my editing after each shoot free’s up my time to spend with kids and also more ‘mom’ time for me to do Zumba guilt...
As a wedding photographer, and make-up junkie these are my two favourite things! Welcome to The Blended Blogs new summer series! It's officially wedding season here, and I'll probably have a slightly different take on what Make-up and weddings mean to me as I hardly ever (ever) attend them as a guest. But I photograph roughly 30-35 a year here in Central Ontario...
These are my favourite posts. My monthly re-cap where I link up with Deena (and EEEK I KNOW HER NOW, and we like text in real life) it's like knowing a famous person for reals guys. Anyways, I like doing this month in review, makes me count my blessings and such. here's my May in numbers: 37 - years in which I have...
I'm late posting today - because my Mac died last night :( so sad ! But I really wanted to share my new favourite maxi dress. If you are Canadian - Run, Don't Walk to your nearest Reitmans! This is dress is super comfy and comes in two patterns. The blue one I got last year (or a similar version of it) and...
WARNING - LONGEST POST EVER. Before I get into the details of my weekend, I just wanted to ramble a bit. I've had very few girls weekends in my life. Not that I didn't have friends, I have a bunch of different groups, but having kids so early really limited how many of these weekends I could have as an adult. I also...