It’s been 5 days. yes, 5 days for me to digest, the end. When I mean End, I do mean the “the end” the title of the lost finale.Let me start this post by saying, I had mixed feelings for the week leading up to the finale. Excited to see how it wrapped up, and what the Flash Sideways were, and then so...
I'm still trying to recover from our long weekend. All last week we prayed for good weather, because Tanya and I (with Nick in tow) were venturing out to Meaford to do our annual Tutu's in the Park. God must have listened because the rain stayed away, but it was overcast, which was fantastic for our pictures.The morning light was all over the...
It has been a long week. These pics are from Monday night, and I didn't get around to editing them until now. Abby had sparks, and mady had soccer practice, so Nick, Nevaeh and I played at the park. ...
So, this past weekend, I took a ton of photos. Not of my family, but of lots of other peoples family. And bellies, and babies, and dogs, and some more families. And while I was taking tons of pictures, Nick held down the fort.And I woke up Sunday morning, in a rush to get out the door, and found him cooking the kids...
Mothers Day always falls on my Birthday weekend. Which super sucks for me. I'm sure it's similar to those who have birthdays close to Christmas. And since this year Nick threw me a surprise party on the Saturday night, I had a feeling I'd be super hung over for Mothers Day. Turns out I got the hang over on the Monday so Mothers...
I am sorry for acting like a crazy lady last week. Turns out you were planning me a surprise birthday party, not cheating on me with a stupid ugly 20 year old. My bad.I'm sorry that you had to sneak around trying to text my friends family because I was monitoring your every move.I'm sorry the whole time we were in Toronto I...
For those of you who know Nick, he's not a man of words typically. He expects that I should know, by osmosis, or some psychic power that he loves me and so he doesn't need to talk about it a lot. Don't get me wrong, he tells me he loves me at least once a day, but he never says why, or goes...
After work, my mom came up to give me the gifts all 4 of my girls had made me. The girls were really excited to show me what they had made....I'm so in love with these presents. Possibly the best gift ever! Thanks to my girls, and thanks to my mommy:) xoxo love you all ...
“sex at 30 is better than ever, the only difference is now we worry about waking the kids and not our parents” -Paige Gannon “sex at 30 is better than ever, the only difference is now we worry about waking the kids and not our parents” -Paige Gannon ...
I haven't blogged a lot lately. We've been super busy with photoshoots, so I haven't had time to take pictures of the kids. I've been editing like a mad woman, as well as hiding out away from work and friends, in denial that I'm turning 30 in one sleep.But, I did manage to take these 2 pictures on Monday, while little miss Nevaeh...
And that is my excuse for not blogging since Monday.I'm sure you don't care.But I'm a little disapointed in myself.Last night after suffering all day with massive sinus pain,I figured I'd take the kids for icecream and get some good shots.I got okay shots. I didn't edit them really, just a quick USM and levels. Because I was too tired to actually spend...