Don't you think? Don't you think? ...
after a day of earthquakes & tornados, I don't have much to here are some more pics from Steve & Amandas day... ...
On Saturday, I second shot this wedding for Charlotte at I had assisted her last summer for 3 weddings, and this summer, I'm helping her out with 2. She's super fun to shoot with! She's a fountain of info, and she puts up with my questions (and I have many). I would never have been able to shoot a wedding on my...
This weekend has flown by!! Friday night we just relaxed and watched like 5 episodes of Dexter. I know. Crazy, but what can I say - I'm offically addicted to Michael C. Hall.Saturday Morning I got up bright and early and got ready to drive to Peterborough to Second Shoot a wedding with Charlotte Clements, from cfc pix. Long ass drive let me...
Or what felt like winter anyways.I secretly prayed for rain all day Wednesday. I know its bad, but man, do I hate soccer in cold.But alas, no rain. Just cold.Poor AbbySooo cold.... ...
Especially when she's the Only big sister:) while Mady and Abby were at Camp, I took the younger girls to the park, and Mimi insisted on pushing Nevaeh...Nevaeh gets out of the stroller. I ask her to look at me and smile for a photo. She wont. Gone is my baby who used to sit and smile on comand. Now she looks at...
So apparently I'm blogging about once per week. This sucks compared to April when I blogged almost every day. I'm going to get back to it. I promise. Not sure who I'm promising, as I'm sure not to many people read this other than my family. But whatev:)This past couple weeks has been insane. 3 weeks ago today Tanya and I hosted our...
Okay - So I was JUST (I mean 20 min ago) on the phone with Tanya and hung up, and went outside to find a bird on my patio. Looking at me. I walked toward it, it flew away. I thought, hmmm. Weird.Then, I walk down the side of my house and find 4 of the same birds. They don't move as I...