
What I Wore - Summer week 3

Sunday, June 28, 2015
IThis is a bit of blog fail. Mini Vacations will do that (I'm writing this from my phone on very crappy wifi!!) sorry for any errors !We're into week 3 of the summer challenge and I have 2 photos lol I did wear clothing I swear but this is how last week went Thursday:   Maxi dress - torrid Floppy hat - forever 21 That evening...



Summer reads

Friday, June 26, 2015
So I'm teaming up with my blog friends to bring you our summer reads. This blog post is stressing me out. I'm one of those people who says "this is my favourite" to everything. I can't pick just one. I have to group things by genre. For example I can't just have one favourite tv show. Impossible. So I have the best "messes...



Summer Challenge Week 2 - And a giveaway!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
We're in the middle of the second week of the summer style challenge. This one has been pushing me out of my comfort zone and also challenging me to try and find work alternatives (man oh man I wish I could have worn boyfriend shorts to work. Stupid work.) Next week should be interesting when my mom, sister and I are all on...


What I wore - summer style

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
The summer style challenge officially started Monday and some amazing blogging friends are all linking up to show you what we've worn. Also - we're doing a give-a-way! (see below) so make sure to enter! As a Canadian doing the challenge it can be sometimes frustrating to see how great the deals are for the American ladies. And the variety of their stores...



Sister trip day 3.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
  So Friday night (you can read about Day 1 & 2 here) I slept horribly. A mix of not sleeping in my own bed, along with pre-wedding shoot jitters made it impossible to sleep. I woke up around 6:30 and got ready quickly - I had to start photographing Sarah getting ready at 8am. Carol-anne and I decided we would meet up...


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