
End of a year, end of a decade..

Tuesday, December 31, 2019
I've been meaning to do a lot of things lately. I wanted to write a goodbye to Miller Ellis, but seems I missed that ship. I wanted to write a goodbye to my sister who left for Ottawa on Dec 27th, but instead I've stayed inside my house and ate my feelings. Well, that's not entirely true. I've been cleaning my house and...


It's not all sunshine, sometimes I want to punch him.

Friday, October 25, 2019
This guy right here, I love him muchly and some days I hate him just as much. And if I was a betting woman, I'd say he hates me just as much some days. I know people say it all the time, but relationships are hard work. Some years it’s easy, others are harder. Some weeks are good, some not so great.  Being...



Thursday, August 01, 2019
I debated writing this. I have two parts of my brain conflicting at all times. The part that LOVES social media, blogging, and all things on my phone. And the other half of me that despises it.  The part of me that is so proud of myself, but the part that doesn’t want to trigger others about their self-image.  Half of me is...



Current me

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Mimi Just took this photo of me 5 minutes ago. I just returned home from a zumba class (which is the second time in a week I almost passed out due to lack of food) with this lovely hair. I need a food intervention. Or some good reading on eating disorders. I keep falling off the blog wagon. I started this blog way...



BBQ Season!

Monday, May 28, 2018
Talking about barbecue Season today and linking up with the Blended Blog ladies! And honestly I was a little nervous I won’t even have a barbeque to do this blog LOL. We finally bought one last weekend after the last one broke ( my Mother’s Day gift ). I had planned it out so Nick would’ve put the barbeque together and I would...


hello 2018

Sunday, January 07, 2018
I had a whole entire different post ready for this 2018 blog entry. It was filled with my goals for Reno’s and tons of health related fitness activities getting my food back on track and all the things I wanted to do with the kids this summer. But mainly if I’m being honest it was me focussing on how I needed to lose...


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