
Sera & Kayge - some more

Friday, July 30, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Almost

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Our day at Wasaga (from Monday) as seen through my point & shoot camera ...


Mady's first real concert

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
This past Saturday, along with my Mom and Sister, I took my eldest to her first real concert. Lilith Fair. Madison will be 11 on August 4th, so I figure what a better way to celebrate her birthday then one of the biggest concert festivals. I went to Lilith in 1998, the second year it ran. It was huge, and changed the way...


meet my daughter....

Monday, July 26, 2010
.......Sponge Bob Square pants Nevaeh ...


Week from Hell....

Saturday, July 24, 2010
I so lied. My next post was going to be another wedding. One it's not. Because I haven't had time this week to breath, let alone think of something clever and whitty to share with those pics. They will come next week.Monday -Wednesday were probably the worst couple days I've had in a long time at work (like my full time regular paycheque...


Serafina + Kayge; a love story

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Last weekend I shot this wedding with Charlotte Clements. You may recognize the bride from Cathy + Dave 's wedding last year that I also with Charlotte, as she was one of the Bridesmaids - actually come to think of it, I think she was the Maid of Honour. So this year, with Cathy expecting, it was her cousin Sera's turn to get...


She's growing up too quickly

Sunday, July 18, 2010
And it makes my heart hurt :(She's colouring now, no longer eating the crayons (LOL!)and dressing up....or down....*sigh* high heels. she's something else this one... Notice the curls in the 2nd photo?? LOVE THEM!! ...


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