I've been really really really avoiding this. I so don't have the energy to blog right now. And every time I thought 'hey it's been two weeks since my last blog post' I felt guilty somehow. Which, lets face it is ridiculous. Because who reads this? My sister, my mother and Tanya. Oh and my stalker Monica.All of of those people can see...
It's been a while since I've been able to do one of these, so I'm excited!Here is the before:Cute little guy right? I knew this one would be easy....But the first thing I did was crop it to 10x8.Then I cloned out that lighter part on the right hand sideI then made a duplicate layer of the background, and patched his under eye...
* SOOC for all santa's village photos, taken with point & shoot. Forgive me. ...
Nevaeh has been a dancing queen lately. She sings and dances every single time she hears music. Any music really, though she's not a fan of Beyonce. Which I find a bit strange, but whatever. I've kept my video camera handy for when these moments arise ( though I really need to remember to bring in the car when Mariana's Trench songs come...
I'm on day 4 of my cold. It's almost gone, though I sound worse than I actually am. Thursday and Friday consisted of me sleeping all day long. Which then in turn kept me up all night long. I can't win. I'd like to thank the makers of the Neti Pot. Seriously - it's been amazing. I usually get crazy sinus infections, and...
The way he holds my hand all the time, while we're walking anywhere - his hand always reaches for me.The way he cuddles me every single night in bedThe way he bitches that he never has clean socks. (like hello, you know where the washer is)The fact that he watches So You Think You Can Dance with me, and actually enjoys it.... that...
Taken in 2007 , but love this pic A Daughter Is... ...your greatest source of pride and your greatest hope for the future... The happiest moment of your life was the day she was introduced to the world. Happy Birthday Madison Jayne, we love you bunches. ...