
Day 59

Monday, February 28, 2011
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I hate Mondays. I worked. I edited. I sat on couch. Watched Fringe. Took this photo. The End. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I hate Mondays. I worked. I edited. I sat on couch. Watched Fringe. Took this photo. The End. ...


Day 58

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Another manic day. Tanya and I had two shoots this morning, and then I had to rush home to clean my house, because one of Nicks oldest friends, his fiance and one of his daughters was coming for dinner. Thank god Nick actually cleaned before I got home. This usually never happens. He even made dinner. and that’s todays 365 because I didn’t...


Day 57

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Busy day. But it was a nice one. Started with waking up at the ungodly hour of 7:00am. This should be illegal on weekends. Why do children wake up and NOT want to go back to bed? It’s the only thing I’m looking forward to when I have teenagers I think. The sleeping in. But, I think by that time, old age will...


Day 56

Friday, February 25, 2011
I was really excited for tonight. For two reasons. 1) I was getting to photograph something OTHER than the typical (children, babies, etc) on a backdrop. We were going to the Yoga Hall to take photos during one of their workshops 2) I was getting to see an old friend Tanya J, who I haven’t seen in YEARS Turned out it was a...


Day 55

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thursday night I rushed home, bribed kids to help me clean, because Nick was having company over…..got the house spotless….and his friends cancelled. Ah well, house got cleaned. For like 5 minutes, then they quickly trashed it. Forgot totally to take a photo, but sorted through my cell phone and remembered taking this pic of the picture frames Nick FINALLY put up (I’ve...


Day 54

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Abby and Nevaeh were sharing a cupcake that Abby had made at school with her Mentor today. Nevaeh kept stealing it and laughing so I grabbed my cam. Never did get a pic of the actual cupcake though – it was mangled all over my table       Abby and Nevaeh were sharing a cupcake that Abby had made at school with...


Day 53

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Today Nevaeh had doctors appointments, and afterward she went to work with Daddy. Can you tell he was hard at work? Look he smiles! Today Nevaeh had doctors appointments, and afterward she went to work with Daddy. Can you tell he was hard at work? Look he smiles! ...


Day 52

Monday, February 21, 2011
This is the aftermath from our Family Day. That went like this: (mind the crap photos, it was cold and It was family day) This is Abby trying to get Nevaeh up the hill. Look at Nev’s face: This is the aftermath from our Family Day. That went like this: (mind the crap photos, it was cold and It was family day) This...


Day 51

Sunday, February 20, 2011
So this weekend we had a lot of plans but it didn’t go quite as planned. Last night Madison was holding Dora (the kitten) and all of a sudden she started shaking. Nick quickly grabbed her, said “she’s having a seizure” and stuck his finger in the cats mouth so she didn’t bite her tongue. I’m so glad he’s calm and focused in...


Day 50

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Today is officially pj and dance dance revolution day.Due to crappy weather outside.Ps. 50 Days of blogging, haven't missed a one. not too shabby I think. ...


Day 49

Friday, February 18, 2011
My newest obsession. It finally came in today, and so freaking excited. I've been counting the days! Love my nifty case with the keyboard built in as well....Nick and I were already fighting over it last night. ...


Day 48

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Trying on one of our new 'puff's' while waiting for our newborn to fall back asleep, in the middle of tonights photo shoot.I particularly like how I only managed to get one eye in focus. that's talent. or not. whatever, I was holding a bloody heavy camera, with my battery pack and flash with one hand.It's good enough:) ...


Day 47

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Was just giving Nevaeh a bath. Left the bathroom for 2 seconds to grab an extra towel out of the closet (she had splashed a lot on the floor) I hear giggles, then hear a meow, and then see a wet rat looking thing RUN screaming out of my washroom.Apparently in the 2 seconds I left, poor unknowing Dora the kitten wandered into...


Day 46

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I gots my hair did. ...


Day 45

Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day !! ...


Day 44

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Now, I'm sick. Lovely.But I still managed to get to Blue this morning. But have slept all afternoon.We had an engagement shoot, in the very windy weather. But it was fun.Tanya dressed for the occasion.I'm going to die now. ...


Day 43

Saturday, February 12, 2011
I had today's picture all picked out until about 15 minutes ago.Today I had photoshoots most of the day in Newmarket, so Nevaeh went to visit with my Aunt Wendy, Unlce Billy and cousins Sarah and Michelle. They spent all day running around with her, laughing as she ate the cat food from the floor (see my facebook for photos) and then built...


Day 42

Friday, February 11, 2011
Becca and Jase came over for a visit tonight, with Baby Georgia (cutest baby ever). And get this, they BROUGHT dinner with them. How the hell did I luck out???So instead of one 365 photo today. I have several. Because Nevaeh freaking loved her new BFF Georgia.Thanks for dinner guys xo ...


Day 41

Thursday, February 10, 2011
I'm not sure about anyone else, but at my house, when kids are upstairs playing, and I'm on the main level, it sounds like there is a herd of elephants or something equivalent, playing in their bedrooms.Some days I tune it out.Others, it grates on my nerves.Like today.I'm eating dinner with Nick after he got home from work, 7pm ish, and the girls...


Day 40

Wednesday, February 09, 2011
My day went like this:6am, wake up to nick wondering what the heck 'that noise is'. He talks in his sleep I guess. I couldn't hear a noise. Go back to sleep6:45, wake up to alarm. hit snooze.7:00, wake up to alarm. hit snooze.7:15, wake up to alarm. hit snooze.7:30, wake up on my own, turns out I didn't hit snooze last time....


Day 39

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
It's freezing out there. I mean, snot stuck to the inside of your nose kinda freezing. I hate it. The kind that leaves you with chills all day. As I write this I'm wrapped in a blanket.After picking the kids up from school, we drove by the park that's right behind our house, and the kids all started laughing at the same time....


Day 38

Monday, February 07, 2011
I dislike Mondays.....and today was a busy one.But turned out not to bad of a Monday. I got a lot of work done at my 'job job' and then came home and got lots more work done.While I was running around my house, my kids were upstairs playing before bed, and when I walked in to put Nevaeh to sleep, I see them...


Day 37

Sunday, February 06, 2011
We drove home today. It was a long drive. But it was sunlight. I was too tired to take a nice pic, so instead I got this....The end. ...


Day 36

Saturday, February 05, 2011
Woke up in a hotel room. For the 9th time in 12 days. Difference this time? I actually SLEPT last night. Was fantastic. In the Dominican I maybe got 3 hours a night. And that was interupted (thanks ang!)I guess it was the driving from the night before. Anywho, this morning we met up with Kristen (the bride to be) and she brought...


Day 35

Friday, February 04, 2011
....or as I like to call it the day I spent from 3pm until 12midnight in a car. Fun times.Right after work I drove to Bradford to drop my kiddlets off at my parents. Then rushed to get Nick in Oro, then we were on our way up north.In the dark.With me driving.First off, I'm not sure why I say yes to driving...


Day 34

Thursday, February 03, 2011
Today's photo was taken by Nick at work , because I was to busy at my work to take any photos. I also had to come home tonight and pack bags because I'm going away again this weekend. I've gotten really used to living out of suitcases lately. Nick and I are off to Manitoulin for two nights:) yay!!Anyways, Nicks pic.......of what you...


Day 33

Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Today was a snow day. I'm so thankful for it, as I spent the day doing laundry, catching up on photog business stuffs and cuddling on the couch with Nick and Nevaeh, which was nice because I hadn't been here for over a week:)However it was a huge shock to my system, leaving the tropics, and coming home to a blizzard.No photo today....


Day 32

Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Today we left the Dominican. I was so done with the trip and ready to come home. We had to get up really early, but after I left our room I realized I hadn't taken a pic of our balcony.Ang and I seriously had a kick ass room. I'll post pics later once I've sorted them all out (and caught up with paid...


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