
Optifast week 12

Thursday, June 30, 2016
Weeks seem to be flying by. It's crazy. We had our 12th class on Tuesday and I've successfully drank shakes for 10 weeks. No cheating ! I'm scared to death of food !! Yikes. I've the past week I've had a few non scale victories I'm pretty proud of. As I'm trying not to focus on scale ( no more weight lost posting till end...


26 weeks of hangry

Optifast Week 11

Thursday, June 23, 2016
Well, I’ve made it 10 weeks (11 classes) on the program and 9 weeks on shakes. 3 more to go!! I feel proud, less fat, more rested, more energetic and slightly (barley) less stressed. After my weeks of hell, things have settled down a bit and knock on wood things have been fairly drama free. I still feel like I have zero time...


26 weeks of hangry

Optifast week 10

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
I didn't want to blog today. But am forcing myself. Life has become insanely busy and trying to find moments to blog has become sparse. If you follow me on Instagram you will know last week I posted I was down 45.4. And then changed it to 48.4. Because after a bunch of us weighed in they said something was wrong with scale. A...


Week 9- optifast program.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016
So we're at week 9 of class. I've done 7 weeks of shakes. 5 more left. The last two weeks have tested me. Car died twice. We had to put new engine in. Thank god for retired mother who lent me her car. I pick up my car tomorrow. 3k poorer. Only to come home tonight. and find out my hot water heater broke and...



What`s in my bag?

Tuesday, June 07, 2016
For those of you who just blog hopped from Alison - Welcome! If not, I'll fill you in on what's happening today: The Blended Blog has started a new 'What's in my..." Series, and I joined in for the first round, what's in my handbag! I was hoping to get the Make-up bag one, because sadly - this is just boring, and rather...


May - month in numbers

Monday, June 06, 2016
Linking up with Deena again for her month in numbers review. 36. Age I turned on the 6th.  16. Number of Mother's Day I've had! Crazy. (Read about it here )  29- selfies taken.  Yes seriously.  It's bad but I'm using the "trying to document weightloss " as my excuse. I'm not posting them all because that's crazyness. 1 - family day trip....


26 weeks of hangry

Optifast program - week 8.

Thursday, June 02, 2016
I'm halfway through shakes only !! What ?!? 6 weeks of shakes done. 7 weeks on program and 8th class completed And I lost 10 freaking pounds last week. For a grand total of 40 effing pounds.  Yes that means I get my iPhone. Sadly my engine in my car blew up on Sunday. Yes same car I had problems with a week...


Style perspectives

Style Persepctives: summer dress

Wednesday, June 01, 2016
I cannot believe it's the last week of the blended blogs style perspectives. It's been so much fun playing along each week.  Make sure you've stopped by The Blended Blog to see Andreas pretty look. First off, lets recap last weeks theme (that was mine): Moving on to this week!  Funny story about this dress. 6 weeks ago when I tried it on...


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