Since tomorrow is New Years Day, I'm posting my Flashback Friday today. I can do that. I have the power (and time it seems since I've been on Holidays all week)Being the end of the year and all, I was thinking and taking inventory of all of the photos I've taken in 2009. And there have been A LOT. I've grown as a...
While reading MckMama's latest post about the hilarious things she says to her children throughout the week it reminded me of something Abby said to my mom this weekend...Mimi and Abby were supposed to be in bed last night at Nana and Papa's. The grown up's were playing Beatles Rock Band. Abby came down stairs for what felt like the 8th time that...
Quick post to say we made it through Christmas (though my small house might not make it) and all of us were thoroughly spoiled. We spent Christmas eve 'Just us 6' at home, same with Christmas Morning after Santa came. Then we made our way to my Mom and Dads for a couple of days. Christmas Day was spent with my Moms side,...
No matter how much I bitch and complain about driving the kids to dance (multiple times per week) it's very rewarding to watch their recitals. And they're so proud when they come off stage.Leading up to recitals, I'm usually a basket case, trying to get everything done. Costumes ready, driving to rehearsals, hair/make-up etc etc. This year I did pretty good, except one...
Today after school, I tried to get some quick shots of my kids.Let me just say that was easier said than done. I'd much rather take pictures of other people kids, rather than mine own. I HAVE to be patient with their kids. Not so much with my own.Which results in me getting very frustrated. BUT, I did manage, as you can see...
This was our first picture as a couple. Taken Dec 31st, 2005 at friends house on New Years. Nick hasn't shaved, and my hair looks like a$$.But it's us. 4 years ago. I meant to post this pic last Friday for our Anniversary.But life got in the it is.I love him. Lots. ...
Picture Courtesy of Tanya Ellis....Crap edit by moi...and typically I usually dread when they start walking. Because they never just walk. They running shortly follows, which means I'm running after them.But with this little monster, I'm counting minutes till she walks. She's hell on wheels crawling and gets into so much trouble!! I have it in my head (and just go along with...
I had an idea of how my weekend was going to go. I had lists. Time lines, and more lists. I knew exactly what I was going to be doing and when.6:30 on Friday night? I was signing the dotted line on my new van (Montana SV6 for those nosey people) and to keep the Barrie folk happy, it's still a white van....
For this weeks theme, there is no need for a face, just a bum - a clothed one at that.I have a zillion ideas for nakey bum shots (keep your mind out of the gutter, my babies bums!)But this one needs to covered up. I then thought of this cute shot I got during "Tutu's in the Park". Since some of our Tutu's...
This is my first "Flashback Friday"I'm doing it for many reasons.1. I don't have a lot of time these days, and this takes less thought2. I'd like to have more than 1 one post per week on my personal blog.3. I already have the pictures taken, so I don't have to take any (yes, I'm that lazy)4. I spent last week going through...
So. I have TONS of Sun Flare pictures, with barns, and fences, and trees. No clear visible faces though. BAH!!!!This one has a face, it's just silhouetted (is that a word) out. BUT, you can see how much fun the mom is having with her little girl. Her mouth is wide open laughing. So, I take that as a face, and so, here...
(okay so not so wordless......taken years ago with my old old point n shoot camera...hence the quality, I didn't even edit it)Abby 3, Mimi 1, Mady almost 6 ...
It was so hard for me to choose my favorite fall picture. I have so many nice fall shots from the mini sessions Tanya and I held last month. But I keep coming back to this one because I love the colours, and I love the kids faces, such happy (and beautiful) faces.Check out other Autumn Beauty pictures here ...
Before we ventured out with the kids today to look at Christmas Decor, I attempted to take some pics. Our original plan today was to take our official Christmas pictures, and I had bought their dresses months ago, but my stupid dog ate (yes ate) Abbys dress yesterday so I put that plan on hold until I can figure out what to dress...
I haven't posted to this blog since last Monday. Since I've started back to work (ewww) and Nevaeh got really sick and had a fever of 103 all week. Then of course, she got better for the weekend. The weekend where I had photoshoots coming out of my a.......well, I probably shouldn't swear.Anywho. Had TONS of shoots this past weekend, then this week...
My baby was born. 8:15pm, in Barrie, after 8 hours of terrible labour, we were blessed with Baby girl number 4.Nick cried, Tanya cried (she was taking pics) and I cried (and screamed).And now she's one.Before I left to go to work this morning....I quickly snapped a shot of her....obviously not impressed.When I finally got home from work today, I found a snot...
This is my first time entering 'Fix it Friday' at I heart faces. I used CS3 to edit...So, here is the before:and my after:and my black and white:This little one was so fun to edit. What amazing eyes.Click on the button below to see how others have fixed this photo! ...
It's been since June since I've had a hair cut. I know gross right? Gag.Tanya, is a bit better than I. She boxed dyed her hair in August. Or shall I say bleached it. That's a whole other story for another day.So today we decided good day to get it done. The fab Kathrin came to Tanya's and did magical things for us.Here's...