Is it Friday Yet?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I haven't been up to blogging lately. It's been a very crazy week.

Saturday we shot a wedding in Meaford. Long ass drive. Beautiful town though. You can see some of the pictures here

Sunday was supposed to be my 2nd daughter Abby's Soccer game, but we got a BRUTAL storm. Loved it. We've had such crappy weather lately, but not a really good storm....well we did Sunday.

Monday...was operation organize my house day. I can't even talk about it. Lets just say it was a long day ending with a couple Coors Light.

Today was uneventful, just did a bit of laundry and went swimming. I tried to get pics, but my Older 3 kids have been hiding from the camera no pics of them...BUT Nevaeh can't run (yet). So here's some pics of her, because what's a blog with out pictures really?






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  1. My goodness Nevaeh is gorgeous!

    Don't stay away from blogging too long...I find when I take a break for a day or two I totally lose my blogging mojo...lately I seem to have found it again though.


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