to get this child to look at the camera these days. I think Tanya and I jinxed it when we used to say she was the perfect model baby.Now when the camera comes out, she looks away.......or plays with toys.......or looks up.........or down....So I don't bother trying anymore.....I just dump water on her....she's not a fan..silly child... ...
I took Nevaeh to the park.it was cold. We went home.The end. ...
Sometimes, when you take a picture, you just know that 'this one is going to be in Black & White'. That's exactly what I thought in my head as I composed this shot. I think the couple thought I was insane but I had a vision, and it worked out....Black & White photos are my fave. If you're like me, go check them...
Yesterday Nick, Nevaeh and I went to dinner at my parents, to celebrate my baby sisters engagement. Not the "official" engagement dinner or anything, just the family. And Kyle (Carol-Anne and Matt's roommate and Nevaeh's new boyfriend)I tried to get some pictures of the ring, but I had the wrong lens with me, so they didn't turn out.I'll be doing the engagement shots...
I haven't done a Fix it Friday since I've been back to work, but I was up extra early this morning (5:30 to be exact) and thought, what the heck.Here's the before (what a cutie!!!)and here is my after ...I first opened the photo in Camera Raw, fiddled with the the temp a bit, and upped the exposure.In photoshop I erased blemishes, spots,...
It's been quite the day. Yes it has. Started with my alarm clock going off at an un-godly hour, so ensure Ms. Madison was up and at em for her big field trip today.After which I had a nice quiet house, and lots of extra time to get ready. Kids were sleeping. Nick was snoring. Loudly.I thought to myself,"Hey - good day to...
I wanted to try out some new edits, and Madison wanted to try on my new glasses, so I took a quick couple shots to fiddle with in Photoshop.Here is my basic run of the mill edit....A black and white that I'm not particularly fond of because it made things to dark. Need to try this one again....a funky retro edit....is it too...
daughter number 2.....she's quite the character....she's always made the most interesting faces.....she always wanted to be a 'fashion model'.........she's on her way don't you think? ...
So I thought I'd post a pic from last spring.... ...
This camera is tricky. It has like 10,000,000 times more functions than my last one. I'm having troubles trying to figure out which function will suit what best.Jaclyn I think I need to chat with you:)Poor Nevaeh no longer wants to be my model. I have to bribe her to stay still. Today Tanya had to give her an Oreo so I could...
I was bored.And this dead flower looked prettyAnd it was still sunny out when Nevaeh and I picked up Nick from work...And because I freaking love my new camera. It's too bad about the crappy shots, but Nevaeh was on the move, and Nick had put the kit lens on the new camera to take shots of a transport truck he just wrapped....
Last night Nick and I went to visit our friends Jen and Tim, and their daughter Rachel. She's about 3.5 months younger than Nevaeh. So the girls could play and we could have grown up talk:)Its always fun for me to watch Nevaeh with other kids her own age. Poor kid gets bullied by her older siblings all the time, so I never...