When Mommy's sick

Friday, March 05, 2010

She doesn't do much. She doesn't go to the gym like she should, or cook or clean like she should. She works, and then comes home and tries to sleep.

While she's sleeping daddy 'watches' me. He lets me make a mess of my face while I eat. Then lets me run around with no shirt on.


Mostly he's just lazy and doesn't feel like giving me a bath yet. That's okay, because I found my new favorite thing to do. Empty the tissue box.


Mommy gets really excited when she comes downstairs and sees tissue everywhere. She gives daddy, which makes him laugh.


And then I get hugs, because he's so proud of all the tissue decorating I did!

After my bath I get more play time, and daddy lets me climb into my toy boxes. He thinks it funny. Mommy, not so much.


Since I had to make room to fit in the toy boxes, daddy and I just dump all the toys on the floor. But I've heard Mommy say she has nothing better to do with her time, other than pick up after kids, so I figure she'd be happy.


Daddy time is fun.

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