Oy with the poodles already

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's been quite the day. Yes it has. Started with my alarm clock going off at an un-godly hour, so ensure Ms. Madison was up and at em for her big field trip today.

After which I had a nice quiet house, and lots of extra time to get ready. Kids were sleeping. Nick was snoring. Loudly.

I thought to myself,"Hey - good day to hot roller your hair and actually make your self presentable." I started putting the hot rollers in. I can hear Nevaeh wake up but she's singing to herself in her crib.

I think to myself "awwww, she's singing. She's happy. What a happy sweet baby I have. I'll let her play, and when I'm done my hair I'll grab her".

But then she starts screaming. I so I go to grab her, and soon as I open the door to her bedroom I can smell it. It's fowl. Its sour. Its nasty.

I think to myself "oh gross, no wonder she's no longer happy, she's s&*t herself".

Which was partly true. She did s*$t herself, but then she proceeded to take off her diaper, and then PAINT HER CRIB WITH IT. Oh, and body paint herself as well. I gagged. A lot.

And tried to figure out how to get her out of her crib.

Needless to say, my hair did not get done this morning. Ugh. Just the memory makes me gag.

Anyways, this all happened before 7am.

The rest of my day goes by fairly smoothly. Until I get a call at lunch from Tanya informing me that Mimi decided to give herself a hair cut.

So, after work I have to take her to get it fixed. She attempted to give herself bangs...


But the nice ladies at Style FX in the south end of Barrie fixed it for us...


at first she wasn't sure of them...


but then I told her she was beautiful and she was happy again...


A prize goes out to anyone who gets my blog title reference...without Google-ing :)

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