I'm still learning

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This camera is tricky. It has like 10,000,000 times more functions than my last one. I'm having troubles trying to figure out which function will suit what best.

Jaclyn I think I need to chat with you:)

Poor Nevaeh no longer wants to be my model. I have to bribe her to stay still. Today Tanya had to give her an Oreo so I could keep her in one spot.


But she barely looked directly at the camera.


and when she did, it was because Tanya or I were teasing her with her bottle....


Don't mess with her bottle.

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  1. haha... my friend just got the D90 amd was asking me questions about it when she pointed out something I've never noticed! :/ But yeah, if I can help at all! lol. I think we should plan a photowalk or something along those lines this summer. :)


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