......when I'm stressed..........and have worked all day...........and come home to MORE work...........Nick watches the kids, makes dinner, and then puts kids to bed.........so I can edit photos...........and it makes me love him even more than I already do..........now if he would just do the dishes.....ps. thanks to Tanya for the pic xo ...
I love this shot. The littlest sister was hard to catch a with a 'real' smile. Well catch period, she was on the move! But I loved this one, even though her sister was looking at Tanya, I captured her geniune smile.Go check out the other smiley faces over at i heart faces ...
I took today, as a gift from my friend Becca, to her friend Steph.She's preggers with Twins, and I cannot wait to meet these little girls and take their photos!!Here is a peek from today... ...
On the weeks I have all 4 girls, by Thursday I'm always exhausted. I'm so ready for the older three to go to their dads. Not because they're bad, or what have you, just because I need some sleep. And is it terrible to say I need a break?But by Friday I usually miss their sweet faces.See you in a week girls xoxo...
For my blog post tonight. While Madison was doing her paper route I was going to follow her around with my camera.Obviously I have other things to do like, look after my other 3 children, do dishes, make dinner, and should probably wash some clothingSo instead, I quickly through Mimi outside and took these pictures. I had to bribe her with painting her...
We try and make our very limited free time with the kids count. Between my two jobs, Nicks very busy job, and the kids extra curricular's we're a pretty busy family. Typically we try and the big "Sunday Dinner" where we all eat together. Roast beef usually, because it's the one thing I can cook.Last night however, Nick was sick of me burning...
Go Check out the other collages at I heart Faces ...
Another crazy day in the Miller/Wesley/Hunter household. I laid in bed for a good half hour this morning trying to convince Nick he should let me sleep in and go make me french toast with the girls. Now that I type this is was already awake so that doesn't make much sense. But, for those of you who have children, I'm sure your...
It's 11:39am as I type this. So far this morning, I've gotten 4 kids up and out the door to get Nick to the eye doctors and Abby to the dentist. We get in the car and Nick says "where is your wallet?"....(I left my purse in the car last night)..I said in my purse, he said well it's not. So, I've lost...
Oops, I meant Grandpa. Or did I?ha.This flashback isn't so back. I took it in 2006, so really only 4 years. I don't have any other pictures of him on this computer, so 4 years will have to do.Although he's crusty 98% of the time, he's still a very sweet man. Bitches about everything, but secretly loves attention. He's hilarious, and I love...
I've been trying to get out of f/1.8 land, where I have been living for about a year now.I'm branching out. Trying new things. You know, other than very shallow depths of field.........Like f/20or f/10hell, even f/5but it's so pretty in bokeh land.....that I have to get at least f/1.8 pic.....Can you tell I didn't have any people photos or stories for today?...
I'd just like to point out that I totally knew it was going to be Bakerella as the judge this week. This excites me. I stalk her blog, and am very envious of her baking talents (as well as how well she photographs them!)Anywho, on to my entry. I am not a huge sweets person. But my idea of a dessert is usually...
I don't feel like I've even had a weekend. So busy!I'll blog about Friday night later this week, with crappy cell phone pics, as that's all I had :( But it was fun (and scary!)Saturday and Sunday I basically spent photographing other peoples children (or their bellies!!) so, I didn't get many of my own. And so it begins, our busy season. We're...
I can't even remember how long ago we took this pic. I think it was 2007. Cindy, do you remember? ...
Okay, did anyone else totally freak out at this scene last night. My husband thought I was insane. When Charlie turned the car into the water, I immediately thought OMG he's so gonna do the hand thing. And he did. And it gave me chills. Then I couldn't catch my breath.Then the MRI thing. I was clapping my hands!!! And I thought I...
I'm so excited when I walk outside and see this:) ...
A-O chocolate cake1 Devils Food Cake (chocolate) mix10oz Chocolate Chips4 eggs1 cup sour cream1 Instant chocolate pudding mix1/2 cup water1/2 cup oilMix together, pour into greased bundt pan. Bake @350 for 1 hourTop with whip cream and strawberriesThis is my all time dessert. Ever. For as long as I can remember this was always my choice for my Birthday dessert.I'm not sure where...