Happy Friday ! Today I'm linking up with Alison for Puppies and Pretties Michelle from Blogs Like a Girl and Cat from Kitty Kitty La La for their Reading Lately linkup! I was so excited when Alison posted about this a few weeks ago. I had big ideas of all the books I would read. I've tried book clubs in the past but with no time to read,...
Linking up with Sarah again at Foxy's Domestic Side - Check her out here Wow. 4th week. I'm surprised I've kept at it this long. So confession time. Last week I said my goal was to concur the Dutch braid. I practiced on Abbys hair after watching several tutorials and got it down pat. And then next day I went to try on...
I had figured I'd have some little videos on how I do my hair by now, since it's January and it's my slow season. Nope! Apparently January is my lazy season. But I'm still linking up with Sarah at Foxy's Domestic Side today to show the hair styles I did mange this week! Thursday I was home as I was up the night...
First off I'm sorry for the length of this post. Secondly any grammatical or spelling errors won't be fixed as I wrote this in between sleeping and taking care of a sick child and it was very stream of consciousness type stuff. I like to think of it as authentic. Here goes. On Sunday my second daughter turns 13. This means I officially have...
It's Wednesday and that means I'm linking up with Sarah for her 2016 hair challenge! Man. Oh man. It's amazing the excuses that I can come up with for being lazy. I had planned on doing my hair every day this past week differently. But nope sleep won and I'm sorry in advance for my lack of creativity. Thursday : fail. Messy bun...
Today I'm linking up with Sarah at Foxy's Domestic Side, for her 2016 hair challenge. (Sarah if I wasn't supposed to steal your graphic, feel free to yell! LOL) I only decided I would link up yesterday so alas, I only have 2 hair styles and no videos. Next week will be better! I'm not sure about you, but my hair tends to...
My December in numbers - Today I'm linking up with Deena from Shoes to Shiraz for her monthly in numbers posts. 1 – hole in my ceiling. Yup, it’s been fun times here at my house. Our shower leaked upstairs, and we had to cut a giant hole in the ceiling. We’ve got the pluming re-done (nick is handy), but I need...