
Monday moment of Gratitude

Monday, February 29, 2016
Last week I forgot to post this ( I had it drafted) I'm such a terrible blogger! LOL So this is a combination of two weeks of being grateful:) Linking up with Shaunacey  today!   Hugs from kids. – When you’re sad, nothing like cuddling your children.   Wine – It’s like a hug for your insides   My daddy – Who drove...


February Reads.

Friday, February 26, 2016
  Linking up again with Alison from Puppies and Pretties for Reading Lately. I'm proud to say I made my goal of 2 books read this month ! Considering this was a busy photography month I'm stoked that I hit the goal. So - here's what I read: The girl on the Train   This book was great. Intense. I loved it. And...


Week 8 of doing my hair.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016
I've been linking up with Sarah at Foxy's domestic side for 8 weeks now - you should check out her hair challenge here. This week I was going to tackle Velcro curlers. And I managed to use one. I Have a strapless tank on. I swear I'm not naked lol.  I blew my hair out my normal way and un rolled my bangs. Resulting...


How I did my hair week 7.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Linking up with Sarah again for week 7 of the hair challenge. Check her out HERE. Abby did my hair Saturday before I went to a wedding. She braided it and then twisted hair into it and folded it under. Not bad for her first try ! Onto my blow out I said I would try last week. Here is the vid clip...


How we spent ....

Tuesday, February 16, 2016
.....Family day. I wish I could say we woke up Monday morning to the sound of birds chirping and kids saying nice things to each other while cleaning their rooms.  This is how it went down: - dogs barking at the door to go out -front door slamming because the 13 year old decided she was going to Tim Hortons ( she didn't...


Family day & Being grateful.

Monday, February 15, 2016
I've been following Shaunacey on her Monday gratitude posts and love them. It really is important to reflect on what you are grateful for especially when life gets busy. For me I tend to just do - and weeks and months fly by and while I'm busy nothing ever gets done and I've spent zero quality time with anyone and haven't reflected on...


Hair challenge week 6

Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Linking up with Sarah at Foxy's Domestic Side again this week! This week I wanted to focus on up-do's as my wedding season has started and for the most part I can handle my hair being down for 8 hours of shooting. I sometimes just wear a only or sock bun but I'm trying to branch out. I'm not sure what to call...


Day in my life.

Thursday, February 04, 2016
Welcome! You've probably landed here from Sarah's Blog!  After which you'll be heading over to see a day in Shaunacey's life.  My day in a life breakdown is not a typical day for us, because we attended a wedding together as a family (typically it’s me going to photograph it, without 4 kids) So this should be an interesting breakdown . It started...


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