Hopefully you've already been over to The Blended Blog and seen Shaunacey’s Bright pants look already! I can’t believe we’re on week 5 of our style challenge already. These posts are my favourite and I look forward to them all week. The only part I hate is narrowing down my choices in my closet. I own a 4 pairs of bright pants, who...
Linking up again with Shaunacey to recount my moments of gratitude over the last week. First and foremost this last week I'm grateful for electricity. And the men and women who's job it is to make sure it gets to my home!! The ice storm late last week was a bad as expected or maybe worse. And we didn't have power for 18...
Oh my gosh, I can't even tell you how much stress this week's prompt has given me! (In case you're new around here - The Blended Blog is hosting a Style Challenge, with Weekly prompts, more info below). I kept interpreting the prompt "Patterned shirt with neutrals" differently. My first thought was any patterned shirt with neutral pants. So all week I've been...
After a great long weekend I have tons to be grateful for - so linking up again with my pal Shaunacey. In no particular order: Retired mother: it was march break here last week and it's also my busiest week at work. Therefore I never usually get time off and my mom watched my littlest ones tuesay - Thursday. Thanks ma! She sent...
Everybody's talking bout my tight pants, about my tight pants, I've got my tight pants on. I'm sorry- Every time I wear my white pants, Jimmy Fallon's skit plays in my head ALL DAY LONG. Doesn't help that my office mates also sing it when they wear their white pants. Good luck getting out of your head now! Ha! Hopefully you've already been...
Linking up with Shaunacey again this week. I'm really loving reflecting on the last week and trying to find the positives in my very hectic life. 1. Girlfriends. I'm in an introvert at heart and 99.9% of the time I want to home. Lately I've made a promise to myself to actually make the time and go do stuff so this last week...
I had no idea what to title this post. I had mentioned on Tuesday that I was going to start documenting my weight loss journey here. So here goes: I had my first round of appointments yesterday in Toronto. First I got to meet with nurse ( who was super nice ) and go over my health history and weight history. My...
We're into our second week of our style series over at The Blended Blog! Last week was a success! We had lots of people link up and post their blog and tag on Instagram! Here's a recap of all of our looks from last week. Also - we have a give-a-way - so make sure to check the bottom of this post:) This...
My blog has been mainly me linking up with others lately. Zero original content. Not that my blog has to be anything in particular. It’s my Effing blog, but for some reason I feel pressure that my little corner of the internet be something fabulous. Excellent stories of my kids, perfectly taken photos with my real camera, not my iPhone – and something...
These have become my favourite posts. I always loved reading Deenas. So glad she hosts the link up HERE! 2 - number of weddings I photographed. Normally wedding season doesn't kick off till the spring but this year it started early ! You can see these weddings here and here. 783939 - tears I cried. It was a rough month. I'm nowhere near...