26 weeks of hangry

Week 3

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
So this is week 3. Otherwise known As the week I'm down 11.8lbs total!! Crazy. If you are new here. Visits these posts.  So this week I lost 7.8 lbs. in one flipping week. And I didn't cheat on my program once.  I drank my 4 shakes every day and ate my two cups of veggies. And I'm super proud of myself.  But...


Style perspectives

Style Perspectives - A Plaid Look

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Well folks, it’s week 9 of The Blended Blogs Style Perspectives. Make sure you head over there and check out how Alison styled her Plaid look. Before I start, lets just look how cute we all are in our Graphic Tees! So before I post my photo, let me tell you a story. Tuesday morning I got up super early, curled my hair,...


Truthfully Tuesdays

Truthfully Tuesday - week 2

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
I kinda liked last weeks post. So figured I would do it again. Truth 1- physically I feel fantastic. Not really hungry. I have energy. I don't feel bloaty or gross. Mentally I'm a crazy lady. It's been touch and go at my house all weekend. I've had zero patience. I guess being on shakes only has made my hormones unstable.  I can...



Monday moments of gratitude- April 25th

Monday, April 25, 2016
These weekly link ups are really helping me put my life into perspective. Especially in the crazy that is my life it's nice to try and find something to be grateful for. Linking up with Shaunacey here. This week:  1. For a supportive man who has taken on cooking and cleaning and grocery shopping ( which he usually shops anyway ) because I can't...


26 weeks of hangry

If I offended you I'm sorry.

Friday, April 22, 2016
To those I may have offended in the past.  In this new journey for a better me I can't really move forward until I look back a bit. And apologize. When Instagram and Facebook really got popular people started posting all sorts of stuff. What they wore, or ate that day or their work out routine. A few years ago ( I want...


26 weeks of hangry

Week 2

Thursday, April 21, 2016
Sooo….black coffee sucks. Man oh man, I wanted spit that coffee back out. And all I kept thinking was “push through, you can do this. You’re a hard core coffee drinker, don’t disappoint”. I drank it, and hated it. A friend told it will take about a week to get used to. So I’m really looking forward to next week. By 11am the...


Style perspectives

Style Perspectives - Graphic Tee

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Week 8 of The Blended Blogs Style perspectives! I've been so excited to see what Deena had planned for this week so make sure you check her out here.  First off, look how great everyone looked last week: So I have a few graphic tees but none are work appropriate. And since I have to work ( you know to feed the kids...


Truthfully Tuesdays

Truthfully Tuesday.

Monday, April 18, 2016
Hi. I'm Nicole. And sometimes I'm an awesome mom, and sometimes not so much. Here are some truths from the last little while that I figured I would share ...Truth 1 -Yesterday I completely forgot Nevaehs baby sitter was off for the day and at 3:05pm I remembered. You know the exact time she was supposed to be picked up from school. Thank...



Moments of gratitude - April 18

Monday, April 18, 2016
I skipped last week so this is two weeks of moments that I'm grateful for. Linking up with Shaunacey again :) Top of the list: THE RETURN OF SPRING. finally !! This last few days have been amazing. Night and day from this time last week. Sunday I wore shorts and worked In the garden with Abby, while Mimi and Nev played with...


26 weeks of hangry

26 weeks of hangry - Week 1

Thursday, April 14, 2016
If you're new to following my journey - start at this post and then this post. I've officially begun my medically supervised weight loss program! It started earlier this week, and I’m trying to digest (no pun intended) everything from the first meeting. While I sat in the waiting room (first to get there of course, I hate being late) I wrote the...


Style perspectives

Style Perspectives - Jeans, Tee, Cardi + Statement Necklace

Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Hello! Welcome to week 7 ( I think wow, 7 weeks already) of our style perspectives. Hopefully you've already checked out The Blended Blog and saw how Christy styled her prompt this week ! If not click here.  First of all look how awesome the ladies did last week ( I say ladies and not we because I failed) Moving onto this week....


Style perspectives

Style persepctives - spring sweater.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016
It's week 6 of our style challenge! It's been so fun ! Make sure you head to the blended blog to see Lanas look and visit all the other ladies who linked up below. Here is a recap of last weeks bright pants look (my fave yet) Not gonna lie. I failed my part of this one. Today's post is brought to you...


month in numbers

Month in numbers - March

Monday, April 04, 2016
Linking up with Deena today! This is such a fun link up, I'll love looking back at these posts at the end of the year (or years to come). So in March: 9 - Selfies taken, solo.  Apparently with a new hairdo, I've become quite the narcassist. 4-Selfies taken with others (kids or dogs.) 2 - Bad weather days. As in really bad...


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