

Monday, August 31, 2009
It's been a few days since I've blogged, because we've been busy, and I'm on a mini-vacation at my parents house. Nick is up north for a few days, so I came to be spoiled by my parents.Have I mentioned I'm a princess? My daddy thinks so.True story.In fact, as I write this, my mother just topped off my wine glass, and asked...


Doe a Deer a Female Deer

Friday, August 28, 2009
Nick had yesterday off, and since it's the last week we have with the older girls before school starts we figured we'd do something fun. I wanted to go to the Ex. Nick wanted to go to the Farm, and the kids said ZOO. So, off to the zoo we went.Elmvale Zoo that is.The land of monkeys, every kind of monkey you can...


Adventures in Wonderland ....Or Barrie. Whatever.

Thursday, August 27, 2009
I'm not sure about the rest of the moms out there, but I've got a big fat red circle on my calendar around September 8th.It's the most wonderful time of the yearamenMy kids are bored and driving me crazy. I've tried my best to keep up with them, or keep them busy....but sometimes life (and work) get in the way, but that's what...


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: self portrait

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Peace, Love and BFF

Monday, August 24, 2009
One of Mady's very bestest friends was unable to make it to her Party on SaturdaySo she came over SundayAnd we took these picturesMady :What do we do with our hands mom???Me: I dunno pose, look coolForget it, i'll take a head shotthere thats a bit betterThey finally learned to pose....and my battery died.The end. ...


ramble on

Sunday, August 23, 2009
If this post is long and convoluted and has many spelling errors, I'm truly sorry. Actually I'm not. I could care less really, I'm that tired.It's been a very long 36 hours. Friday night I went out with 4 other ladies to celebrate Tanya's Birthday. I attended the dinner portion only, as I had to go home and make a cake for Mady's...


Everything is more fun in a Tutu {and cute hat!}

Thursday, August 20, 2009
I was super super excited yesterday when I checked the mail and my hats had arrived!! A friend of mine Jaclyn from Inspired Life makes these amazing hats. We're also teaming up with her for a cool give away on the M.E. Blog next week, so keep an eye out for that!!!Anyways, we got the hats for our business, however she did include...


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