As most of you know, I didn't win. Actually didn't come close. Angela lost a whopping 36lbs!!! She won, and I'm so, so, so happy for her.I'm thrilled for all the ladies actually. We all tried our hardest (except for me the second last week) and we all lost a ton of inches. Which is fab.I only lost 20lbs, but I did lose...
I've avoided blogging all week. Partly because it was a busy week, partly because I felt like crap, and partly because, well, I didn't want to admit that it was a shitty week and I felt like not doing the stupid contest anymore.So I didn't write. Or take pictures. I kinda had a mini week of depression. I sulked, I didn't go to...
I ask myself this often. We've spent stupid amounts of money over the years on toys, with all the kids, Nevaeh being no exception. Except she's THE WORST for not playing with her toys. Instead, she likes random house hold objects, as seen below...Portable phones. Her fave. She constantly walks around with one. We've tried to give her our old ones that don't...
Today was weigh-in for the 6th week of competition. I cannot believe how quickly it’s gone. Only two more weeks left. That’s crazy!I’m down a total of 19lbs. Man, was a piss off, I wish I had lost 3 this week so it would have been an even 20lbs. So in keeping with my ‘revised’ goal of 60lbs by May 6th, I only...
I just finished writing my post, when Abby casually mentions to me, that she needs to call her daddy's house because M (daddy's new wife) is supposed to be coming to her school to talk about her job for parents day. I said oh okay, her's the phone. When really I wanted to say "what the hell are you talking about parents day?...
.....I could sleep like a child.This is what I came home to after the gym tonight. She must have gotten tired watching TV. Nick left her there so I could see it.What kills me is her face is flat down - and she's wearing her glasses. Also - her arm looks comfy eh?I'm off to crawl (very slowly) up the stairs and go...
Today Tanya and I hosted our Valentines Day mini-sessions. They went really well, so I figured I'd get some of my kids as well. Of course I upload that card first as it's in my camera already. Then I go to upload the rest and my camera dies. So it's charging so I can get the rest of the pics off and edit...
Nicks first ever lasagnaYes, today is my cheat day.Yes, I will be at the gym twice tomorrow. ...
In case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been giving detailed accounts of my gym experiences lately. Just a quick ‘oww I’m sore’ but not detailed like when I first started this journey. Mainly, this is because it’s lost its novelty. For you and for me I guess. Plus nothing too exciting has happened recently. I haven’t puked lately on the gym floor, nor...
I’m obsessed.It’s the only way to describe it. I was literally counting down to last night’s episode of Lost. The beginning of the end of the best show ever. This show consumes me, and will be big topic of conversation on my blog until the Series Finale this spring/summer. Then I’m sure I’ll obsess over it some more, because knowing the writers/creators, it’s...
Should I revise my goal?So, I’m 4 weeks into my ‘new way of life’. Or torture as some would call it. At the beginning of this thing, my goal was to lose as much as possible in the 8 weeks of the contest, but a total of 75lbs by my Birthday (May 6th).I’m slowly starting to realize this might not happen. I’m gaining...