i heart faces

Fix it Friday

Friday, October 30, 2009
This is my first time entering 'Fix it Friday' at I heart faces. I used CS3 to edit...So, here is the before:and my after:and my black and white:This little one was so fun to edit. What amazing eyes.Click on the button below to see how others have fixed this photo! ...


Hair....Before and Afters

Monday, October 26, 2009
It's been since June since I've had a hair cut. I know gross right? Gag.Tanya, is a bit better than I. She boxed dyed her hair in August. Or shall I say bleached it. That's a whole other story for another day.So today we decided good day to get it done. The fab Kathrin came to Tanya's and did magical things for us.Here's...


A walk to remember....

Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'm being all maudlin today. I have exactly one week left until I return to work. And this time it's hitting me hard. I've returned to work 3 other times, with Madison after 6 months, because that's how long Mat leaves were back then. With Abby it was 10 months because of a new job, and with Mimi it was just 2 weeks...


I'd be tired too...

Saturday, October 24, 2009
....If instead of being oustside at Sunnidale park in the damp from 8:20 this morning, I sat inside and played with my Nana all day....I'd be exhausted. All of that crawling, backyardagins watching, toys playing, story reading, song singing must tucker a girl out.I'd want a nap.And I'd certainly not want pictures taken of me while I was sleeping....even if they were the...


I like to move it move it....

Thursday, October 22, 2009
This week at the kids dance school it's parents week. No, parents aren't dancing...wouldn't that be a treat watching me dance...ewwwBut we do get to watch them dance.And tonight was Abby's turn. She was excited to show us her moves. But it's more like gymnastic moves rather than dance, because she's in Acro.....So I don't think they've gotten to the whole dance part...


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Quick Engagement Photos

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This weekend I...

Monday, October 19, 2009
..Edited photos from about 20 shoots from the past week :S..Said 'No Nevaeh, don't touch that' multiple times...Gave 3 kids a bath and put a pony in Nevaeh's hair for the first time...Drove kids to Dance early early in the morning...Hit the Mom sale, which was fab by the way and next time I will NOT take my kids...Went costume shopping for Hayden's...


i heart faces

i heart faces: excited

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I was a little stuck on this weeks theme, as all my 'excited' pictures seemd to look forced. I tried to get a few with my youngest, but none turned out to be what I wanted.But then, I remember my Hubby Nick took this picture of the baby a few weeks back, while we were out at Cora's having Breakfast (she was excited...


I'm thankful...

Monday, October 12, 2009
for many things.Was planning a really cool blog post that included pictures of all the things I'm thankful for, and was so excited to write about all of these things. But instead I'm thankful for all of the pictures I have to edit from this past weekends photoshoots, so I'll keep that post for next Thanksgiving, and give you the coles notes version.I'm...


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