This weekend I...

Monday, October 19, 2009

..Edited photos from about 20 shoots from the past week :S

..Said 'No Nevaeh, don't touch that' multiple times

...Gave 3 kids a bath and put a pony in Nevaeh's hair for the first time


...Drove kids to Dance early early in the morning

...Hit the Mom sale, which was fab by the way and next time I will NOT take my kids

...Went costume shopping for Hayden's Halloween Birthday Bash

....Edited more photos

...Got the kids ready for Haydens Party, and TRIED to get a pics of them smiling....


...tried to keep Nevaeh in one spot in her costume..


..And then tried again...


...Got to Tanya's house and by then it was dark and all my picture turned out like crap...

...never even got one of the Birthday Boy!?

... did get a pic of Tanya all dressed up..


...oh wait...stupid me back lit her....lets try that again...


...managed to also get a pic of Tanyas Mom


...also got a pic of her delicious kid friendly jello shooters


....'oooh'ed and awww'd' over Kathy's amazing cupcakes


...wished I wasn't on a diet so I could eat a cup cake :(

....was obsessed over eating cupcakes. Kept taking pictures of them


....finally got over that and went home

....Slept like a baby on Saturday night

....Slept in on Sunday because Nick let me:)

....Woke up in a panic because my mother was coming to my house to watch my kids and I always assume she'll white glove test my house.

....bribed my kids to help me clean

....Got a wicked Tattoo with my cousins:)


....tried not to cry like a baby when getting said tattoo

....whined enough for Nick to make me dinner

....Edited more photos

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