A walk to remember....

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I'm being all maudlin today. I have exactly one week left until I return to work. And this time it's hitting me hard. I've returned to work 3 other times, with Madison after 6 months, because that's how long Mat leaves were back then. With Abby it was 10 months because of a new job, and with Mimi it was just 2 weeks before her birthday. And I was okay each time.

But this time, perhaps because I know she's my last baby, it's going to be very hard to leave Nevaeh. My return to work date is her actual birthday too which doesn't help matters. I'm sure I'll be a mess.

So this finally week home with my baby I have so many plans, and hopefully life doesn't get in the way and I can do everything I was planning on doing. Like playing lots with Nev, and going and having at my parents house and doing a little Beatles Rock Band. And organizing my house. And getting my Hair done. And getting ready for her party on Sunday.

Lots to do.

This week you will see A LOT of pictures of Nevaeh as I'm trying to document her last week before she turns one. And because this is my blog I can post as many pictures as I'd like. So there.

So here are some pics from today when Nick and I took Nevaeh for a walk in the leaves....down by the water.






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