Day 90

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I meant to start jogging this morning, slept through my alarm.

Got to work covered in white cat hair.

Had 1.5 hour meeting with several college managers, a couple deans, and a bunch of co-coordinators about new building. Said maybe 3 words, and wondered if I properly de-lint-ed myself of cat hair before I walked in.

The rest of the day was long, but got to eat cake before I left to run Madison around, as well as the other girls

Mady now has a fever.

I forgot I had to get groceries. And stuff for lunches tomorrow. I have my sisters wedding photos to finish (yes, I’m still not done, try cloning fat men in speedos out of photos. Not fun).

While at Zehrs, they had wine tasting.

I think today, is a good day for wine.


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