

Saturday, January 30, 2010
That's me screaming in pain because it hurts to move my arms. Seriously....Owwww.It's hurting to type this so I'm going to lay down.I'm so dreading the gym tomorrow. ...


Just because I can't eat it....

Friday, January 29, 2010
Doesn't mean Nevaeh can't.So she enjoyed Mac & Cheese....And then dessert.....which was some sort of chocolate ice cream ball thing....... which she enjoyed. But then badly needed a bath......which she also enjoys.........but she loves the cuddles out of the bath the best, right before PJ's.... ...


flashback friday

Flashback Friday: I need to get a move on

Friday, January 29, 2010
I was going through old pictures, and found this one of Mady that I LOVE. It was way back in the day when K and I were still married, and we lived up in the north end of Barrie. I loved that house. I had pimped out her room, and loved the wall paper.Now that I see this pic, it makes me realize...


Things are looking up...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
It’s been a while since my venting post. I’ve calmed down some now.I know it sounded like I was quitting but I didn’t. Friday night at 9pm, I was at the gym. Doing Cardio. Saturday morning BEFORE the girls Birthday Party. I was at the gym with Nyrton – going through hell and whining like a baby. Sunday morning BEFORE Mimi’s Birthday party...


She's sick

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My poor baby girl is sick. She's been vomiting all over the place. Which is lovely for me. Last night when I got home from the gym (after Nyrton tortured me) she puked ALL OVER ME. Bah.Today she's really whiney and wants to be held all day, which I secretly love because they grow out of that cuddling phase so quickly.But, in the...



Monday, January 25, 2010
Makes your ass sore.The end.ps. I'm tired, have a sick baby,and have had to drive children all over hells half acre tonight so will blog more tomorrow. ...


Birthday Party Weekend Part 1

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Pics from yesterday that I didn't manage to get posted last night, as I was taking pictures of half naked (and some fully naked) ladies last night at a party.Yes, my job is awesome.Here are some pics from Abby and Mimi's B-day celebration at my Moms with some family:) ...


I need to vent.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Wow, What a morning.Let me just say that I’m not PMSing. I feel like I am though, I’m crying every two seconds for no reason. I’m also not pregnant before someone thinks that lolI’m having a hard time. The thought of giving up enters my brain at least 3 times daily. I’m not sure who reads this and how well you know me,...


flashback friday

Flashback Friday : Happy Birthday Mimi

Friday, January 22, 2010
5 Years ago today, Emma-Lee Wesley was born. We started calling her Emmy right away this was the nick name we had so wanted for our little girl (a la Emmy Rosum) but, Abigail had different plans, and couldn't say Emmy, but called her Mimi. And it stuck.And so she is Mimi.Love you my princess xoxoxox ...


Bad Mood.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
This week we have to weigh in a day early, because Tara Dawn is in the Bahamas, so the results will be sent to her today for her to announce tomorrow.I weighed in this morning at 7:30 at the gym and was only down a pound. But when I weighed in this am on my scale at home (which is the same as...


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: CHEEEEEEEESE

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
i heart faces

i heart faces: we are family

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I wasn't going to enter this weeks contest, because I really wanted to post a picture of my family, but, couldn't get us all in one spot to do so.So I found my fave pic out of all the of the family shoots we did in the fall. I love this family they are a riot, and a blast to photograph... ...


I think Tuesdays are worse than Mondays

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What a crazy life I lead. After work last night, I had a plan. I work on a schedule. When something gets in the way of my schedule, I’m not pleased. So my plan was, to get Nevaeh, get some groceries, go home, feed her, do dishes, make my lunches for the entire week (Quinoa – which is a pain in the butt...


Whining...and lots of it.

Monday, January 18, 2010
Ugh. Today was not a good day for me. Yesterday was my ‘cheat/rest’ day. I loved the rest. The cheat, not so much. I feel like crap today. And I didn’t even cheat that bad yesterday.It took every ounce of energy I have to get out of bed this morning. You know those mornings when it’s cold outside of bed, and it’s sooo...


Happy 7th Birthday Abigail Patricia

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Happy Birthday, to my beautiful, smart, sensitive, animal loving, soccer playing, feet tripping, sponge bob watching daughter. Love you lots and lots and lots.7th Birthday Pictures to follow:) ...


Day 12

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Last night was BRUTAL. I felt pretty good about going to the gym on a Friday night at 7pm, when really I'd rather be at East Side Mario's stuffing my face with bad carbs.Got there, had to do my warm-up, and while I was doing that, I watched my trainer, kick the crap out of Luana (another lady in the contest). She was...


flashback friday

Flashback Friday & Day 11

Friday, January 15, 2010
We'll, I'm sure you all know by now (because I'm shameless and posted it all over my facebook) I'm down 6lbs this week. So that's a Grand Total of 9lbs, since we 'officially' started last Tuesday.Crazy eh?It's been quite the week for me, let's recapMonday morning, found out I had to interview the next day for my job.Monday night when I should have...


day 10

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tonight I will be off to do some cardio, round 2 of the day. I was feeling pretty good about everything at the beginning of this week . Trying to stay positive. Then after throwing up all over the gym, I Kind of back tracked a bit. Even though I told EVERYONE I know about it, trying to brush it off as funny,...


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Mimi 'hearts' me

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Thighs...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
....are on fire.Thought I should share.I don't have much to say. It's been a mentally exhausting day. I didn't mean to rhyme.After the vomiting fiasco last night, I still managed to get to the gym TWICE today for cardio.My Thighs are on Fire.3 sleeps till weigh-in. ...


I hate...

Monday, January 11, 2010
SquatsSquats while swinging the stupid dumbell thingPushupsNyrtonPuking in the middle of the gymThose are just some things I hate today. Perhaps tomorrow won't be so bad. But a big thanks to Nyrton for taking my mind of the big interview I have tomorrow. You know, only the most important interview of my entire career.Now I just have to think about the fact that...


i heart faces

i heart faces: Best Face Photo

Monday, January 11, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday to everyone at i heart faces!!This weeks theme is Best Face.Even though, all of my kids have the best face for me, this picture I took last Thursday just makes me smile. I love the look she's making. She's saying 'mmmmmmm' as we're out for breakfast. Nevaeh's eyes are always huge, but look particularly pretty because of the great window...


We ♥ Sundays

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Good ol' Sundays. We love them here. Sleeping in, lazing around the house in our PJs.Ya right. Not in this house. I wish - actually after the month of January once we get 2 Birthdays out of the way, we might be able to manage a nice lazy sleep in day (if we can convince Nevaeh that wake up time is NOT 6am).But...


Movie Night

Saturday, January 09, 2010
Tonight at my house, it's movie night. For the kids, Aliens in the AtticIf Nick and I are still awake, maybe we'll watch something after. I'll probably sleep though, after 2 hours at the gym this afternoon. I think it's worth mentioning again that I hate squats. ...


Day 5

Friday, January 08, 2010
So it's been 5 days since I've had a cup of coffee. And I'm still alive. I haven't had anything Super tasty, but I'm not starved, and It's not too bad. I actually feel great. Not sluggish, and bloated all day long. My workout schedule is crazy and I'm starting to adjust and fit it into my already crazy life. My appointments are...


My sister is here!!

Thursday, January 07, 2010
Yay!! Yesterday my sister took a 4 hour bus/train ride from Hamilton up here to visit moi!!She spent last night laughing at poor little whining about my sore legs, arms, well sore everything really. We also watched 2 movies, and talked through them both, much to Nicks dismay. This is what Miller women do. We talk through movies. Deal with it.Today we got...


Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: She nows wears them full time

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Oh my gawd

Tuesday, January 05, 2010
I can barley lift my arms to type this. They hurt. My ass hurts, my legs hurt. I almost passed out twice, I threw up once (in the bathroom not in the actual gym lol) but I finished my very first session with my trainer.And I'm very proud....that and very tired.Hope I can walk tomorrow.Thank you Nytron, I love and hate you. ...


Day 2

Tuesday, January 05, 2010
I have a few seconds to myself so I can sneak in time to write this. As I write this, I'm having a snack, 15 almonds and a yogurt with flaxseed to be exact. I'm not sure if this is the correct combination, but it's all I've got in my house right now until I venture out to go grocery shopping, and I...


Day 1

Monday, January 04, 2010
Update: I'm back from the meeting, and it went GREAT!!! Loved all the ladies, they were so nice, and I felt so welcome. Tara-Dawn is super friendly, and so encouraging, and most of all the trainer I was matched up with is FANTASTIC, and just what I need to kick me in the ass!! Tomorrow night at 8:30, when I'd much rather be...


Nevaeh & Casper

Sunday, January 03, 2010
Nevaeh's new fun things to do are1. Grab the cats tail2. Draw on the cat with her bottleI think Casper liked her better last year when she wasn't mobile...Yes, I have a fat kitty. ...


Starting them young...

Saturday, January 02, 2010
I'm teaching my daughter to drink and drive while topless (while watching backyardigans)She's a multi-tasker. What can I say? ...


Happy New Year

Friday, January 01, 2010

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