Day 96

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Otherwise known as Becca’s 32nd Birthday!!

Bec's is the one who’s on my case every night for a blog, because she reads it while feeding the babe.

So here you go dear friend, a blog post (early at that!) dedicated to you on your birthday.

I don’t do cards ( so sorry to you and ash for the lack of cards today at your birthday lunch), but I will say this:

You are a great friend, always there, always positive, always supportive, encouraging and Nick and I love you to pieces. Mostly cause your cupcakes are yummy and I want to steal your daughter. Jase is okay too. But its your Birthday not his.

So cheers to you, hope this is your best one yet.

Here are some pics from Ashlee’s and Becca’s Birthday Lunch at the Last Class today.

becca bday

becca bday2


and just here’s a snapshot of my children from later this evening. Nevaeh is in the PJs she wore last night.

april 6

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