What I Wore Week 2 - Spring Style Challenge
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
When I started blogging again I really envisioned myself blogging two or three times a week. Well, that didn't happen, I haven't blogged since last Wednesday - ha! Thank goodness for these what I wore re-caps.
I'm really loving this challenge, more so than others. Not because of the clothing specifically but how active the facebook group is. I don't think another group on facebook is as positive and supportive as this group of women. It really is amazing. I look forward to logging in each morning to see everyones interpretations of the daily outfits.
Before I get into what I wore this week, I'd like to give a shout out to my office mate Kristy. Her and I have shown up in matching colours more than once this last week and it's not planned. We heard a few times about #twinning or 'did you guys call each other this morning'. I'd love to take credit for it, but Kristy is stylish all on her own without needing someone to tell her what to buy. Me, I'm the hot mess mother of 4 who would pay someone to cook for her, never-mind dress her if she could (oh and I have -that's another post for another time).
This is us matching last Wednesday.
Here's what I wore this week:
Day 4 - Denim on Denim
While a lot of woman found this one hard, I didn't really at first. Until I got to work and thought I looked like a prison inmate or something, I threw on a red lip to match the red in my shoes and felt a bit better.
I'm loving the olive pants on EVERYONE. Wish I could get my hands on a pair. BAH. I wore grey instead.