
Day 150

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hotter than yesterday. This weather is fantastic. Bringing Nevaeh into the pool for the first time this year, she freaked out. Insisted on going in like this Safety first? I took her out of the donut ring thing, and she screamed like I was killing her. About 5 minutes later she was fine, and didn’t want to swim with me, but with her...


Day 149

Monday, May 30, 2011
It was hot today. And the air conditioning at the kids school wasn’t working so after I picked up the kids from school, mimi said “mom I’m so hot, I can’t even stand to wait for my sisters” so this is how we waited for them. I then decided it was a good idea to grab slushes before going home. And made a...


Day 148

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday. Yay for days off. We slept in a bit, girls got up and fed themselves cereal which bought us like half an hour. We laid in bed trying to decide how to spend the day. I had the ipad on my nightstand so we googled ideas. How I love my ipad. Then we saw it was calling for rain the entire day....


Day 147

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Kids let us sleep in today!!! yay. We got up and went for coffee, but before this Nick told me he wanted to take back the bubble machine he got the kids last week at walmart. Said it wasn’t what he wanted. LOL. grown man wanted more out of a bubble machine? odd. Whatever, so he took it back and then off we...


Day 146

Friday, May 27, 2011
I’m feeling better today for the most part. Thank god Nick got me the giant bottle of midol. Some days I hate being a woman. I think I should read The Red Tent again and be grateful, because right now I don’t feel so grateful. The girls come back today and I’m excited. I’m hoping for some nice weather this weekend because I...


Day 145

Thursday, May 26, 2011
I’m sick. Yes. Again. Felt great last night. then 6am. BAM. stomach cramps from hell. Well then I wont go into the details but lets just say I’m sick. I think food poisoning. I guess I didn’t fully cook that chicken stuffed with broccoli last night. My gosh – brutal THEN to top off matters, I get my monthly visitor. Im guess all...


Day 144

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Nick got up early and got me a starbucks. I love him. He then found the creep song on itunes for me! Double win!! He’s earning brownie points all over the place. Get to work this morning, and open my email, and I have a coupon from Bath and Body works. Oh no. I just went Saturday – can I really justify going...


Day 143

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I always hate the first day back from a long weekend (not that I even got a day off or anything). I wanted to stay in bed but crawled into work. Nevaeh had her shots, and didn’t cry at all, she’s such a big girl. She did give the nurse the dirtiest look ever. Came home, Nev had her snack, and I edited...


Day 142

Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 2 of Tutu’s in meaford. (here’s what the inside of Jodi’s house looked like LOL) It’s was Sunny when we first got to meaford, then we get halfway through the morning. POURS rain. Boo. We got home around 2ish. Spent the afternoon shopping at Walmart in Bradford (cause oh ya – everythings open in Bradford on holidays! Booya!) Bought the older kids...


Day 141

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Tutu day. Up at 6. Longest shower of life. Drag my ass to tanyas and load the truck up. We’re on our way. Crazy accident on some side road I took. Here’s a pic. We’re bummed about the weather, it’s pouring and we realize we’re going to have to do indoor tutu’s for the first time in Tutu history. We pull up to...


Day 140

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Yay for long weekends. This morning Nevaeh let us sleep in till 8:30. I call this progress. I had a shoot at 11am so I didn’t have a ton of time to do much but we went and had starbucks so that was nice. Great shoot – easy. Family was fun. Came home and Nick and Nev were ready and waiting to venture...


Day 139

Friday, May 20, 2011
Photo courtesy of nick. who worked installing stuff at the marina in midland and didnt come home till 10:15 last night. Photo courtesy of nick. who worked installing stuff at the marina in midland and didnt come home till 10:15 last night. ...


Day 138

Thursday, May 19, 2011
I’m so ready for this weekend. I’m feeling pretty caught up on photoshoots, but Tanya and I are in the process of re-branding ourselves to make ourselves look well. more like ourselves. Which means many hours in illustrator for me. But I’m liking it. Really truly I am. I’m happy with the way we’ve changed our workflow (thanks to j* we’ve bought blogstomper...


Day 137

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
No photo today. forgot OOPS! But I did do this survey that Tanya emailed me. What colour are your socks right now? no socks – black ballet flats. What are you listening to right now? The photocopier. Music to my ears…… or not. What was the last thing you ate? Omg so yum – falafels , rice and hummus. Yum yum. Can you...


Day 136

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I don’t have to go to my moms to play now. Nick brought it home for me. I don’t have to go to my moms to play now. Nick brought it home for me. ...


Day 135

Monday, May 16, 2011
Busy night. On our way out tonight, I took these. edited with florabella luxe 2 actions. Urban Jane: J Hazy Jane: Busy night. On our way out tonight, I took these. edited with florabella luxe 2 actions. Urban Jane: J Hazy Jane: ...


Day 134

Sunday, May 15, 2011
2 more shoots today. But early morning ones, which means I have the rest of the day with the girls. Tanya drove today. I love when this happens First session was engagement of super hot couple: and then a family shoot: I spent the rest of the afternoon with the girls play Just Dance 2, watching movies, and eating KFC. Perfect Sunday. 2...


Day 133

Saturday, May 14, 2011
I had an early morning photo shoot. In the crappy weather, but turned out pretty good. Took Nick to work, then the girls and I went shopping at Old Navy, and then came home because my sister was coming for a visit!!! They loved her dog Dexter We went to Costco to get our movie tickets (cause it’s wayyy cheaper there) and then...


Day 132

Friday, May 13, 2011
Work. Home. Nevaeh had weird rash all over her body I watched the new Justin Bieber movie with the girls…..Twice. You want to be me don’t you? Work. Home. Nevaeh had weird rash all over her body I watched the new Justin Bieber movie with the girls…..Twice. You want to be me don’t you? ...


Day 131

Thursday, May 12, 2011
While I was at work today something totally random popped into my head. I had a craving to watch Dawson's creek. Seriously. I’m totally team pacey (except for when that random guy who Joey snuck into the No Doubt concert with. Loved him). So, I came home tonight, and thanks to the power of the internet, I streamed 2 episodes of Dawson's creek...


Day 130

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Still tired. Catching up on sleep, work and editing. Oh, and the most awesome maternity shoot tonight. how cute are they? I’ve eaten way too much fast food this week. Really need to start dieting soon. and running again. But i like sleep….oh what to do? Still tired. Catching up on sleep, work and editing. Oh, and the most awesome maternity shoot tonight....


Day 129

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Still recouping from being tired yesterday. I didn’t take a single photo today. Though Nick did. Of a viper he wrapped this week my boys got talent. he’s also not been home like all week working till after 10 each night and going in early. with all this extra over time money I should be getting a ring soon right? *ahem cough cough*...


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