Day 138

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I’m so ready for this weekend. I’m feeling pretty caught up on photoshoots, but Tanya and I are in the process of re-branding ourselves to make ourselves look well. more like ourselves.

Which means many hours in illustrator for me. But I’m liking it. Really truly I am. I’m happy with the way we’ve changed our workflow (thanks to j* we’ve bought blogstomper and LOVE it). Plus I bit the bullet and got the boutwell Lightroom presets and love those as well Changed how I’ve processed weddings. Love love love.

Anyways, onto more important things….

Couple days ago, Mimi came down stairs in an outfit of Madys and I thought to myself this would be perfect for her to wear when I convince her to let me take her pics. In a field at sunset.

Instead. I bribed her today with popsicles, and we took the photos in the backyard. In my field of dandelions. Anyone wanna mow my lawn?

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