Day 148

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Yay for days off. We slept in a bit, girls got up and fed themselves cereal which bought us like half an hour. We laid in bed trying to decide how to spend the day. I had the ipad on my nightstand so we googled ideas. How I love my ipad.

Then we saw it was calling for rain the entire day. And did look pretty dark out. So we called the kids into our room and had a family meeting. Movies, or shopping I said. Surprisingly they all said shopping. They badly need new summer clothes.

So we decided on Vaughn Mills, because we thought we could take them go carting as well.

That mall is too big for its own good, and it was roasty as hell. Shopping for kids of different ages is not fun. When were were in childrens place, mady was antsy. When we were areopostale or lulu, then the girls were bored. Or hungry. Or tired. Or I don’t want to shop anymore.

We didn’t go go-carting. We left. Lol. It was too much. So we left to go and eat. That turned out to be a disaster as well. Who dares give Madison a kids menu?


So by this time we’d had enough fun day. We go home, and I decide to take my 15 loads of laundry I’ve not washed and go to the laundry mat with my middle two girls.

It was quite the event.


this is 1/4 the way through folding. it’s so very nice to be caught up now.

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